Revista Land Lines

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Place Database

Percent Change in Population Colorado River Basin, 2000–2016

By Jenna DeAngelo, Enero 10, 2019

Enero 2019

Esta edición celebra el Centro Babbitt para Políticas de Suelo y Agua y los 30 años de Land Lines e incluye artículos acerca de la colorida historia del río Colorado, la búsqueda de compromiso en una época de sequías, las maneras en que pueden integrar agua y suelo los planificadores del oeste de EE.UU. y mucho más.

This image shows the side yard of a house in Washington state. The yard includes a rain garden that collects water from the street and filters pollutants. The garden includes drought-tolerant plants and grasses. Perennials range in color from purple to green to red. An orange house sits in the background.
New Publication

Integrating Water Efficiency into Land Use Planning in the Interior West: A Guidebook for Local Planners

By Emma Zehner, Enero 9, 2019
A train on a platform with buildings in the background.
How Auctioning Building Rights Can Help Fund Infrastructure and Affordable Housing By Will Jason, Diciembre 14, 2018
The sun glares white in the top right corner over a landscape of river and desert viewed from above. Two main branches of the Colorado river appear silver as they wind across the land and reflect the sun. They merge with the irregular
Hydraulic Empire

Sharing a Legacy, Carving a Future for the Colorado River

By Allen Best, Diciembre 14, 2018
A farmer holding a long handled shovel
Colorado River Water

The Shift from Farms to Cities

By Allen Best, Diciembre 14, 2018
Image shows a high resolution satellite image of a residential area in Tucson
Precision-Mapping Water in the Desert By Rob Walker, Diciembre 14, 2018
Photograph shows an aerial view of Westminster
Grow with the Flow

How Planners in Two Western Cities Are Integrating Water and Land Use

By Kathleen McCormick, Noviembre 27, 2018
Keystone Water and Growth Dialogue By Kathleen McCormick, Noviembre 27, 2018