Revista Land Lines

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Informalidad, pobreza urbana y precios de la tierra Martim O. Smolka, Enero 1, 2003
Informality, Urban Poverty and Land Market Prices Martim O. Smolka, Enero 1, 2003
Planners and Economists Debate Land Market Policy Paul Cheshire, Rosalind Greenstein, and Stephen C. Sheppard, Enero 1, 2003
Prospects for Land Value Taxation in Britain Tony Vickers, Enero 1, 2003
Faculty Profile

William A. Fischel

Enero 1, 2003

Enero 2003

This issue features informal settlements in the context of urban poverty and land market dynamics in Latin America; a debate between planners and economists on U.S. land market policies and implementation; prospects on land value taxation in Britain; and a symposium dedicated to a man who sought to bridge the gap between urbanism and ecology.

Grandes proyectos urbanos

Desafío para las ciudades latinoamericanas

Mario Lungo, Octubre 1, 2002
Large Urban Projects

A Challenge for Latin American Cities

Mario Lungo, Octubre 1, 2002
Pasado, presente y futuro en Cuba Clair Enlow, Octubre 1, 2002