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Octubre 2021

This issue explores the connections between climate change and infrastructure, the role of sustainability in the revitalization of smaller legacy cities, and more.

Letters to the Editor

75th Anniversary Greetings Part II

Octubre 19, 2021
Seyhan River
Infrastructure and Climate Change: Four Governance Challenges in a Time of Disruption By Henry Lee, Octubre 19, 2021

A Reformer’s Guidebook to Zoning’s Knots

Approval Processes for Multi-Family Housing in Greater Boston

Amy Dain

Octubre 2021, inglés

Documentos de trabajo

Vivienda, Uso de suelo y zonificación, Gobierno local

Octubre 2021, inglés

Documentos de trabajo

Vivienda, Uso de suelo y zonificación, Gobierno local

Curb management has become a rising priority in cities including Las Vegas
City Tech

Managing the Curb

By Rob Walker, Octubre 13, 2021
Image: Interstates 10 and 101 in Los Angeles.
President’s Message

We Need to Get Infrastructure Right. The Stakes Couldn't Be Higher.

By George W. McCarthy, Octubre 11, 2021
Mark Anderson of The Nature Conservancy Receives the Kingsbury Browne Fellowship and Conservation Leadership Award By Lincoln Institute Staff, Octubre 5, 2021
Land Matters Podcast: Addressing Structural Racism in Urban Planning By Anthony Flint, Septiembre 29, 2021
From Transit to Technology, Planning Faces New Challenges. Here Are Seven Trends to Watch. By Petra Hurtado and Aleksandra Gomez, Septiembre 27, 2021