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Outperforming the Market

Delinquency and Foreclosure Rates in Community Land Trusts

Emily Thaden

Property Tax Limitations and Local Fiscal Conditions

The Impact of Proposition 2½ in Massachusetts

Bruce Wallin and Jeffrey Zabel

Thirty Years of Judicial Education on Property Tax Issues Joseph C. Small and Joan Youngman, Julio 2, 2010

Julio 2010

This issue provides various reflections on the U.S. foreclosure crisis of the mid-2000s; an analysis of housing reform and homeowner security in Buenos Aires, Argentina; and an overview of the property tax education that the Lincoln Institute has provided to U.S. judges since 1980.

The Environment, Climate Change, and Land Policies Gregory K. Ingram, Julio 1, 2010
Reflections on the Foreclosure Crisis Morris A. Davis, Julio 1, 2010
Seguridad de la tenencia y mejoras de viviendas en Buenos Aires Jean-Louis van Gelder, Julio 1, 2010