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Cities in Post-Pandemic China

Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic on Intercity Mobility Patterns, Migration-Related Attitudes, and Urban Governance

Hengyu Gu

Mayo 2023, inglés

Documentos de trabajo

Gobierno local

Mayo 2023, inglés

Documentos de trabajo

Gobierno local

Can Removing Development Subsidies Promote Adaptation?

The Coastal Barrier Resources System as a Natural Experiment

Hannah Druckenmiller, Yanjun (Penny) Liao, Sophie Pesek, Margaret Walls, and Shan Zhang

Mayo 2023, inglés

Documentos de trabajo

Cambio climático, Mercados de suelo, impuesto a la propiedad inmobiliaria, valuación

Mayo 2023, inglés

Documentos de trabajo

Cambio climático, Mercados de suelo, impuesto a la propiedad inmobiliaria, valuación

Bison grazing in Yellowstone National Park
How Restoring Animal Populations Can Supercharge Carbon Absorption By Jon Gorey, Mayo 24, 2023
An East Boston neighborhood showcases its stock of triple-deckers.
Boston’s Beloved Triple-Deckers Are Next-Level Affordable Housing By Anthony Flint, Mayo 24, 2023

The Fiscal Impact of Municipal Administrative Center Relocation

Min Su, Can Chen, and Cathy Yang Liu

Mayo 2023, inglés

Documentos de trabajo

Planificación urbana y regional, finanzas públicas

Mayo 2023, inglés

Documentos de trabajo

Planificación urbana y regional, finanzas públicas

Residential common space in a former office building with floor-to-ceiling glass windows
Office-to-Residential Conversions Are on the Rise—What Does That Mean for Cities? By Jon Gorey, Mayo 16, 2023
Portraits of Tzuchin Lin and Peter Culp
Lincoln Institute Welcomes New Board Members By Lincoln Institute Staff, Mayo 16, 2023
Members and supporters of the NAACP picket for fair housing in Detroit
Five Ways Urban Planners Are Addressing a Legacy of Inequity By Jon Gorey, Mayo 16, 2023
Aerial map of the Purple Line in Maryland
Preventing Displacement Along Maryland’s New Purple Line Corridor By Jon Gorey, Mayo 15, 2023