Topic: finanzas públicas


Gestión del Suelo en Grandes Proyectos Urbanos

Septiembre 23, 2019 - Noviembre 15, 2019

Free, ofrecido en español


El curso presenta una aproximación general a las intervenciones urbanas de gran envergadura, denominadas usualmente Grandes Proyectos Urbanos (GPU) y busca generar una reflexión sobre los desafíos que representan para la gestión de suelo. En este sentido, el participante tendrá una introducción a los fundamentos de la formación de precios y al funcionamiento de mercados de suelo en América Latina, y se abordarán los impactos y desafíos que traen los GPU en el manejo del suelo.

Se hará énfasis en el análisis de casos locales e internacionales de estos proyectos y sus instrumentos de planificación, financiación y gestión del suelo, como por ejemplo las operaciones urbanas (CEPAC y Otorga Onerosa del Derecho de Construir – OODC), los planes parciales (reparto de cargas y beneficios) y las asociaciones público-privadas.


Los  Grandes  Proyectos  Urbanos  combinan  una  escala espacial de gran envergadura con la alta complejidad de su gestión y financiación, y constituyen una práctica común en las ciudades de América Latina. El componente suelo es parte esencial de su estructura, puesto que pueden impulsar cambios urbanos que afectan los valores de los terrenos.

La valorización del suelo generada por la implementación de este tipo de proyectos representa un potencial de autofinanciamiento y redistribución de rentas en la ciudad, a partir de la movilización de plusvalías para beneficio público. De esta manera, su estudio y entendimiento son de gran importancia para el desarrollo de las ciudades latinoamericanas.

Bajar la convocatoria


Septiembre 23, 2019 - Noviembre 15, 2019
Período de postulación
Julio 17, 2019 - Agosto 14, 2019
Selection Notification Date
Septiembre 6, 2019 at 6:00 PM
Registration Fee
Tipo de certificado o crédito
Lincoln Institute certificate

Palabras clave

avalúo, Brownfield, BRT, sistema de buses rápidos, Distritos de Mejoramiento Comercial, desarrollo, desarrollo económico, economía, expropiación, medio ambiente, gestión ambiental, SIG, vivienda, inequidad, infraestructura, banco de tierras, monitoreo del mercado de suelo, regulación del mercado de suelo, monitoreo de suelo, especulación del suelo, uso de suelo, planificación de uso de suelo, valor del suelo, temas legales, gobierno local, espacio abierto, planificación, contaminación, pobreza, políticas públicas, reutilización de suelo urbano, segregación, barrio bajo, crecimiento inteligente, partes interesadas, suburbano, desarrollo sostenible, desarrollo orientado a transporte, urbano, diseño urbano, desarrollo urbano, regeneración urbana, expansión urbana descontrolada, mejoramiento urbano y regularización, urbanismo, recuperación de plusvalías, zonificación

What Assessors Need to Know About Tax Abatements and Incentives (IAAO Conference)

Septiembre 11, 2019 | 2:15 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Niagara Falls, ON Canada

Offered in inglés

The annual conference of the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) offers state and local assessing officials the opportunity to hear varied perspectives on property tax policy from eminent economists, academics, and practitioners who have a special interest in property taxation. Each year, the Lincoln Institute sponsors a seminar for conference participants on current issues in property tax policy. This year’s sessions will focus on “What Assessors Need to Know About Tax Abatements and Incentives.”


Septiembre 11, 2019
2:15 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Scotiabank Convention Centre
6815 Stanley Avenue
Niagara Falls, ON Canada


avalúo, desarrollo económico, valor del suelo, impuesto a base de suelo, temas legales, gobierno local, salud fiscal municipal, tributación inmobilaria, finanzas públicas, tributación, valuación, impuesto a base de valores

Property Tax

Fifty-State Study Details Growing Tax Breaks for Longtime Homeowners
By Will Jason, Junio 25, 2019


In Miami, Florida, someone who has owned a home for 13 years—the average duration in the city—paid about $2,800 in property taxes last year, roughly half the tax bill for a new owner of an identical home, who paid about $5,200. This discount, the result of state tax breaks for longtime homeowners, was about $450 higher in 2018 than in 2017, according to the annual 50-State Property Tax Comparison Study by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and the Minnesota Center for Fiscal Excellence.

Florida is one of 10 states where local governments are required to assess parcels differently based on when they were last sold, a policy that favors longtime homeowners by limiting growth of the assessed values used to calculate tax bills. When real estate prices rise, these assessment limits shift more of the tax burden to newer homeowners, whose properties are assessed closer to the market value. Overall, in the 10 states requiring these tax breaks, and in two cities with similar policies, those who have owned their homes for the average duration within their city paid 29 percent less in taxes than new homeowners, up from a 19-percent discount percent a year earlier.

Assessment limits are one of many factors that influence property taxes in the United States. The report explores all of the major factors, providing a comprehensive analysis of effective property tax rates—the tax paid as a percentage of market value—in more than 100 cities in every U.S. state and Washington, DC.

Drawing on data for 73 large U.S. cities, the study explains why property taxes vary so widely from place to place.

Reliance on the property tax is chief among the reasons. Cities with high local sales or income taxes do not need to raise as much revenue from the property tax and thus have lower property tax rates on average. For example, Bridgeport, Connecticut, has one of the highest effective tax rates on the median-valued home, while Birmingham, Alabama, has one of the lowest. But the average Birmingham resident pays 36 percent more in total local taxes when accounting for sales, income, and other local taxes.

Property values are the other crucial factor explaining differences in tax rates. Cities with low property values need to impose a much higher tax rate to raise the same revenue as cities with high property values. For example, the effective tax rate on the typical home in Detroit, which has the lowest median home values in the study, is nearly four times higher than in San Francisco, which has the highest. In Detroit, to raise $3,105 per home—the national average tax bill on a median-valued home—would require an effective tax rate 22 times higher than in San Francisco.

The other drivers of variation in property tax rates include the different treatment of various classes of property, such as residential and commercial, and the level of local government spending.

The average effective tax rate on a median-valued home was 1.44 percent in 2018, with wide variation across cities. Four cities have effective tax rates that are at least double the national average—Aurora, Illinois; Bridgeport; Detroit, and Newark, New Jersey. Conversely, six cities have tax rates less than half of the study average—Honolulu; Charleston, South Carolina; Boston; Denver; Cheyenne, Wyoming; and Birmingham.

Commercial property tax rates on office buildings and similar properties also vary significantly across cities. The effective tax rate on a $1 million commercial property is about 2 percent, on average, across the largest cities in each state. The highest rates are in Providence, Detroit, Chicago, Bridgeport, and Aurora, where rates are at least two-thirds higher than average. Rates are less than half of the average in Fargo, North Dakota; Virginia Beach, Virginia; Honolulu; Seattle; and Cheyenne.

The report is available for download on the Lincoln Institute website:



Will Jason is associate director of communications at the Lincoln Institute. 

Photograph Credit: iStockphoto/Aneese. 

2019 International Conference on China Urban Development

Junio 27, 2019 - Junio 29, 2019

Beijing, China

Offered in inglés

Main Theme: Paradigm Shift to Quality Urbanization

After years of rapid urbanization that emphasized construction and economic growth, China is entering a new era of urban development with a policy focus on the quality of urbanization. This paradigm shift is timely but also challenging. The past urbanization model has led to serious environmental degradation, distortions in land and housing markets, and worsening wealth inequalities. This pattern of development must be addressed through new efforts towards quality of urbanization. Climate change, aging infrastructure, and emerging technologies pose both new challenges and opportunities for the country. China can learn significantly from similar global experiences in new urbanism. Its pursuit for quality urbanization will be crucial for the successful implementation of the New Urban Agenda, which was adopted by national governments at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III).

This conference continues the series of International Conferences on China Urban Development, previously held in Cardiff, Hong Kong, Shanghai, London, and Glasgow. It will bring together researchers from urban studies, geography, sociology, economics, political science, urban planning, urban management, public policy, and China studies from different parts of the world. These researchers will share empirical and policy research findings on urbanization and urbanism. It will provide a platform to explore the complex process of urban development in China, and to debate policy and actions towards quality urbanization in an increasingly uncertain world.


Junio 27, 2019 - Junio 29, 2019
2:00 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.
Yingjie Exchange Center, Peking University
Beijing, China
People hold neon green signs behind a large white banner reading TIF Petition in black letters.

A New Podcast

Let's Talk TIF
By Anthony Flint, May 28, 2019, Mayo 28, 2019

If a major development project is sprouting up near you, there’s a good chance the local government is using tax increment financing—an increasingly popular method of earmarking future property tax revenue to jump-start construction. Cities have used TIF more than 10,000 times from coast to coast in recent decades, and the number grows each year.

Like much in public finance, TIF can seem obscure, but it has become so widely used, it is attracting attention. Among the concerns: the use of tax dollars for private development, which siphons away money for schools or other services; the danger of TIF projects exacerbating gentrification and displacement; and a general worry about transparency.

“The appeal of it is that it seems to many people like free money—you don’t have to raise taxes, but get to spend money on a particular kind of development,” says economist David Merriman of the University of Illinois, Chicago, a leading expert on TIF who advises public officials on the subject.

I interviewed Merriman for the first episode of the Lincoln Institute’s new podcast Land Matters, a behind-the-scenes look at what makes cities tick. The podcast explores how many of the biggest challenges that cities face, whether financing infrastructure, adapting to climate change, or building more affordable housing, can be traced back to land.

Our conversation covers just this kind of territory—the intersection of land use and public finance, in the form of the property tax. We discuss what the research tells us about the effectiveness of TIF, why community pressure is prompting significant modifications to the tool, and how Merriman’s home city of Chicago has gone all-in on TIF, locking up a third of its property taxes.

You can listen to the interview and subscribe to Land Matters on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts.




Learn More
Improving Tax Increment Financing (TIF) for Economic Development
The Hidden Costs of TIF

Photo by Michelle Charles/ Stillwater News Press