Topic: Planificación urbana y regional


Scenario Planning for Urban Futures Course

Mayo 20, 2024 - Mayo 22, 2024

Ofrecido en inglés

In partnership with Nexus at Michigan Engineering, this course is available both in person in Ann Arbor and as a three-day remote live session via Zoom. Participants will learn to appropriately foster urban progress for future scenarios through effective planning methods and gain hands-on knowledge of techniques to analyze trends, construct scenario narratives, and model scenarios using GIS tools. Upon course completion, students will have concrete ideas for implementing scenarios in their communities.

Scenario Planning for Urban Futures is intended for a varied audience. Early-career planning professionals, experienced scenario planning practitioners, master’s level, and PhD urban planning students, applied researchers, and consultants are all encouraged to attend.


Heather Hannon

Cambridge, Massachusetts


Mayo 20, 2024 - Mayo 22, 2024
9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Período de postulación
Enero 1, 2024 - Mayo 20, 2024
Tipo de certificado o crédito
AICP CM credits

Palabras clave

planificación de escenarios


Scenario Planning 101

Free, ofrecido en inglés

This course is prepared in partnership with the American Planning Association (APA). It will introduce you to Scenario Planning, a planning process that will enable you to create responsive plans that can adapt to unexpected changes.

This is an interactive course. You won’t need the use of speakers or microphone, but be prepared to click on buttons and icons and drag items around to access to additional information. “Knowledge Check” questions will help you test your learning as you navigate the different modules.



Tipo de certificado o crédito
Lincoln Institute certificate

Palabras clave

planificación de escenarios

Curriculum Material Library (CSP)

Since the formation of the Consortium for Scenario Planning, participants have compiled educational materials and encourage planning educators to train the next generation of professional and citizen planners. These ongoing activities have resulted in three types of materials for planning educators: a syllabus library, a course development guide, and a set of laboratory exercises.

Syllabus Library

Lead: Robert Goodspeed (University of Michigan)

The following syllabi were submitted following calls issued in 2014 and in 2020 for courses that incorporate scenario planning tools and methods. Contributed

Contributed Syllabi:

Community Planning Analysis: Land Use Modeling and Visualization – Jack D. Kartez, University of Southern Maine – 2014 Syllabus
Land Use Planning Methods – Jennifer Minner, Cornell University – 2020 and 2019 Syllabi
Hard Decisions and Wicked Problems – Vanessa Schweizer, University of Waterloo – 2019 Syllabus
Scenario Planning – Robert Goodspeed, University of Michigan – 2018 Syllabus
Scenario Planning in Envision Tomorrow Plus – Dejan Eskic and Keuntae Kim, University of Utah – 2014 Syllabus and Training Session Outline
Strategies for Planning Effectiveness – Alfonso Morales, University of Wisconsin – Madison – 2014 Syllabus
Transportation and Regional Planning for an Uncertain Future – Stephen Still, University of Buffalo and Lisa Kinney, Greater Buffalo Niagara Regional Transportation Council – 2020 Syllabus and Assignments
Research Workshop in Metropolitan Regional Planning – Rob Olshansky and Karen Chapple, University of California at Berkeley – 2020 Syllabus
Scenarios, Plans and Future City – Arnab Chakraborty, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana – 2017 Syllabus
Plan Making – Curt Winkle, University of Illinois at Chicago – 2020 Syllabus
In addition, the following materials may be useful for additional curriculum development:

APA KnowledgeBase – Scenario Planning
Envision Tomorrow Corridor Housing Preservation Tool – Training Package
The Curriculum Development Committee welcomes additional contributions! Email Robert Goodspeed at with submissions.

Laboratory Exercises

A set of in-class laboratory exercises, including instructions and data, were created in 2014 to introduce scenario planning methods and tools to students.

Laboratory assignments – all data (ZIP, 187 MB)
Lead: Robert Goodspeed and Jacob Yan (University of Michigan)

Course Guide

Robert Goodspeed and Jacob Yan developed this guide to help higher-education instructors incorporate emerging open planning tools.

Download the Scenario Planning Course Development Guide (PDF)