Topic: Planificación urbana y regional

Taller sobre estrategias de desarrollo urbano y captura de plusvalías en torno al nuevo sistema aeroportuario de la Ciudad de México

Enero 20, 2016 |

Mexico City, MEX Mexico

Offered in español

El taller explora la implementación de políticas de desarrollo urbano y captura de plusvalías derivadas de la transformación del sistema aeroportuario de la Ciudad de México y fomenta cooperaciones interdepartamentales entre varias agencias gubernamentales mexicanas y el Instituto Lincoln de Políticas de Suelo para optimizar el impacto social del nuevo sistema aeroportuario. Adicionalmente proporciona un foro de discusión para analizar el marco institucional y los instrumentos necesarios para garantizar que el nuevo aeropuerto redunde en beneficio de la ciudad en su conjunto y de los sectores más desfavorecidos del oriente de la aglomeración.


Enero 20, 2016
Mexico City, MEX Mexico


desarrollo, desarrollo urbano, diseño urbano, finanzas públicas, gobierno local, infraestructura, planificación, planificación de uso de suelo, políticas públicas, recuperación de plusvalías, reutilización de suelo urbano, urbano, uso de suelo


Informality and Policies on Regularization

Agosto 27, 2016 - Octubre 4, 2016

Free, ofrecido en español

This course brings together different and critical perspectives on urban informality and the approach regarding regularization to this phenomenon. It uses theory and debates from sociology, urban planning and law to help students sharpen their concept of urban informality and to design feasible practices that address it. In conceptual terms, it is a question of breaking with stereotypical and one-dimensional images of informal settlements. Students learn to appreciate the formal and functional multiplicity of informal urban settlements.



Agosto 27, 2016 - Octubre 4, 2016
Período de postulación
Agosto 1, 2016 - Agosto 14, 2016
Selection Notification Date
Agosto 22, 2016 at 6:00 PM
Tipo de certificado o crédito
Lincoln Institute certificate

Palabras clave

desarrollo, Favela, vivienda, inequidad, mercados informales de suelo, infraestructura, uso de suelo, planificación de uso de suelo, planificación, pobreza, políticas públicas, seguridad de tenencia del suelo, barrio bajo, tenencia, urbano, desarrollo urbano, expansión urbana descontrolada, mejoramiento urbano y regularización


Land Management for Large-Scale Urban Projects

Agosto 27, 2016 - Octubre 4, 2016

Free, ofrecido en español

This course, offered in Spanish, aims to present a general approach to Large-Scale Urban Projects (LSUP). Based on a definition of what is meant by large scale urban projects and why their analysis is important, the course covers the role of the LSUP’s in the development of cities in Latin America and analyzes the types of projects and the diversity of entities that have been developed for their implementation. A particular emphasis is given to the analysis of local and international cases of LSUP and instruments for planning and financing major projects, such as urban operations (CEPAC y Otorga Onerosa del Derecho de Construir -OODC-), partial plans (distribution of burdens and benefits) and the public-private partnerships.

Prerequisites: It is important that the participant has knowledge on concepts such as price formation of land and its relationship to urban planning. Also, it is recommended that prior to the start of the course selected participants reinforce concepts with audio lectures



Agosto 27, 2016 - Octubre 4, 2016
Período de postulación
Agosto 1, 2016 - Agosto 14, 2016
Selection Notification Date
Agosto 22, 2016 at 6:00 PM
Tipo de certificado o crédito
Lincoln Institute certificate

Palabras clave

desarrollo, uso de suelo, planificación de uso de suelo, valor del suelo, tributación del valor del suelo, planificación, finanzas públicas, políticas públicas, urbano, desarrollo urbano, valuación, recuperación de plusvalías, impuesto a base de valores


Financing Through the Collection of Urban Development Charges

Agosto 27, 2016 - Octubre 4, 2016

Free, ofrecido en español

This course, offered in Spanish, seeks to demonstrate the relationships among urban planning practices, the behavior of land markets and the legal foundations of property and public management. The conceptual, legal and economic framework that acts as a base for finance policy and as well as social management of the surplus value of land will be discussed. The course reviews the development of a variety of alternative instruments designed to finance urban goods and services to recover the cost of public investment (tax on improvements and other special contributions), as well as to manage development rights and public land.


Agosto 27, 2016 - Octubre 4, 2016
Período de postulación
Agosto 1, 2016 - Agosto 14, 2016
Selection Notification Date
Agosto 22, 2016 at 6:00 PM
Tipo de certificado o crédito
Lincoln Institute certificate

Palabras clave

desarrollo económico, economía, Ley de suelo, monitoreo del mercado de suelo, planificación de uso de suelo, tributación del valor del suelo, temas legales, gobierno local, planificación, finanzas públicas, tributación, desarrollo urbano, recuperación de plusvalías

Systems Thinking Pilot

Mayo 16, 2016 - Mayo 17, 2016

Cambridge, MA United States

Free, offered in inglés

In collaboration with the Congress for New Urbanism and the Public Sector Consortium, the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy is hosting a two-day capacity-building seminar focusing on strengthening the fiscal health of local governments on May 16th and 17th, 2016. Our objective is to help city officials strengthen their ability to track, manage, and sustain the fiscal health of their communities, guided by Systems Thinking practices.

Monday:  8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM


Mayo 16, 2016 - Mayo 17, 2016
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
113 Brattle Street
Cambridge, MA United States


infraestructura, gobierno local, salud fiscal municipal

The Sonoran Institute promotes community decisions that respect the land and people of Western North America. Facing rapid change, western communities recognize and value the importance of their natural and cultural assets – assets that support resilient environmental and economic systems. The Sonoran Institute offers tools, training and sound information for managing growth and change, and we encourage broad participation, collaboration and big-picture thinking to create practical solutions. The decisions communities make about using land, water and other resources affect their prosperity and quality of life today and in the future.