
Informality and Policies on Regularization

Agosto 27, 2016 - Octubre 4, 2016

Free, offered in español

This course brings together different and critical perspectives on urban informality and the approach regarding regularization to this phenomenon. It uses theory and debates from sociology, urban planning and law to help students sharpen their concept of urban informality and to design feasible practices that address it. In conceptual terms, it is a question of breaking with stereotypical and one-dimensional images of informal settlements. Students learn to appreciate the formal and functional multiplicity of informal urban settlements.



Agosto 27, 2016 - Octubre 4, 2016
Application Period
Agosto 1, 2016 - Agosto 14, 2016
Selection Notification Date
Agosto 22, 2016 at 6:00 PM
Educational Credit Type
Lincoln Institute certificate


desarrollo, Favela, vivienda, inequidad, mercados informales de suelo, infraestructura, uso de suelo, planificación de uso de suelo, planificación, pobreza, políticas públicas, seguridad de tenencia del suelo, barrio bajo, tenencia, urbano, desarrollo urbano, expansión urbana descontrolada, mejoramiento urbano y regularización