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Current Issues and Perspectives in Urban Water Demand Management

A Report on the 5th Urban Water Demand Roundtable April 8–9, 2019, Tempe, Arizona

Ray Quay, Zachary Sugg, and Faith Sternlieb

Abril 2020, inglés

Documentos de trabajo

Cambio climático, Conservación del suelo, Uso de suelo y zonificación, Agua

Abril 2020, inglés

Documentos de trabajo

Cambio climático, Conservación del suelo, Uso de suelo y zonificación, Agua


The Pandemic Makes a Case for Megaregions

By Anthony Flint

Abril 2020, inglés

  This article is reprinted with permission from CityLab, where it originally appeared. As U.S. states move into the next phase of the coronavirus crisis, they may not be getting all the help they want from the federal government, but they won’t be alone. In at least three parts of the country, states have banded together to coordinate […]

Planificación urbana y regional

Abril 2020, inglés

  This article is reprinted with permission from CityLab, where it originally appeared. As U.S. states move into the next phase of the coronavirus crisis, they may not be getting all the help they want from the federal government, but they won’t be alone. In at least three parts of the country, states have banded together to coordinate […]

Planificación urbana y regional

A sign on a highway reads "Stay Home" as cars drive underneath it.


How Scenario Planning Can Shape Our Recovery Efforts

Abril 2020, inglés

  Courtesy of Robert Goodspeed COVID-19 has introduced countless uncertainties into our lives. To prepare for the future, organizations ranging from hospitals to school districts to transit agencies, are using scenario planning, a framework for creating and analyzing multiple plausible versions of the future. In this interview with scenario planning expert Robert Goodspeed, he offers his perspective on how […]

Abril 2020, inglés

  Courtesy of Robert Goodspeed COVID-19 has introduced countless uncertainties into our lives. To prepare for the future, organizations ranging from hospitals to school districts to transit agencies, are using scenario planning, a framework for creating and analyzing multiple plausible versions of the future. In this interview with scenario planning expert Robert Goodspeed, he offers his perspective on how […]

Políticas de Suelo, Derecho Urbanístico y Cambio Climático

Instrumentos Urbanísticos-Tributarios como Medidas para enfrentar al Cambio Climático. Etapa 2: Análisis de casos.

Melinda Lis Maldonado, Safira de la Sala, Rachelle Alterman, Giovanni Andrés Pérez Macías, y Roberto Arazo Silva

Abril 2020, español

Documentos de trabajo

Cambio climático, Derechos de propiedad y suelo, Gobierno local, impuesto a la propiedad inmobiliaria, Recuperación de plusvalías

Abril 2020, español

Documentos de trabajo

Cambio climático, Derechos de propiedad y suelo, Gobierno local, impuesto a la propiedad inmobiliaria, Recuperación de plusvalías

Land Lines, Abril 2020

Editado por Katharine Wroth

Abril 2020, español

Agua, Cambio climático, Desarrollo económico, finanzas públicas, Gobierno local, Infraestructura, Medio ambiente, Planificación urbana y regional, urbanización

Abril 2020, español

Agua, Cambio climático, Desarrollo económico, finanzas públicas, Gobierno local, Infraestructura, Medio ambiente, Planificación urbana y regional, urbanización

Letters to the Editor

Reflections from Our Readers

Abril 2020, inglés

  We welcome letters to the editor. Letters may be edited for length and clarity. Please send your thoughts, ideas, and inquiries to     I appreciated your article on green infrastructure financing [“Riches of Resilience,” January 2020]. Notably missing, however, was any mention of natural green infrastructure and financing its conservation. In many […]

Abril 2020, inglés

  We welcome letters to the editor. Letters may be edited for length and clarity. Please send your thoughts, ideas, and inquiries to     I appreciated your article on green infrastructure financing [“Riches of Resilience,” January 2020]. Notably missing, however, was any mention of natural green infrastructure and financing its conservation. In many […]

A photograph of the head and shoulders of a smiling man

President’s Message

What We Didn’t Know Then

By George W. McCarthy

Abril 2020, inglés

  In my October message, I ruminated on the classic lyric by Bob Seger: “Wish I didn’t know now what I didn’t know then.” The lyric provides an invitation to reflect on lost innocence. Though that column was written not long ago, it already feels like the product of a different era. The coronavirus pandemic […]

Abril 2020, inglés

  In my October message, I ruminated on the classic lyric by Bob Seger: “Wish I didn’t know now what I didn’t know then.” The lyric provides an invitation to reflect on lost innocence. Though that column was written not long ago, it already feels like the product of a different era. The coronavirus pandemic […]

The Potential of Green Bond Financing in China

By Carl Hooks

Abril 2020, inglés

  Underlying the urgent need for sustainable, high-quality urbanization in China—a new approach taking hold after decades of unchecked growth—is the question of money. Public funds can supply only a small amount of the total investment needed to build low-carbon infrastructure in cities across the country. In the specific areas of energy conservation and environmental […]

Cambio climático, Medio ambiente, finanzas públicas

Abril 2020, inglés

  Underlying the urgent need for sustainable, high-quality urbanization in China—a new approach taking hold after decades of unchecked growth—is the question of money. Public funds can supply only a small amount of the total investment needed to build low-carbon infrastructure in cities across the country. In the specific areas of energy conservation and environmental […]

Cambio climático, Medio ambiente, finanzas públicas