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Urban Abundance

An Aerial Survey of Metro Boston Reveals a Regional Food System on the Rise

By Alex MacLean

Junio 2021, inglés

  Across four decades as an aerial photographer, I have been drawn to documenting agriculture for the way it reveals important clues about region, climate, topography, soil, and the passage of seasons and time. This work has increasingly focused on the connections between land use and climate change, as attention to shortening food miles—reducing the […]

Cambio climático, Medio ambiente, Conservación del suelo

Junio 2021, inglés

  Across four decades as an aerial photographer, I have been drawn to documenting agriculture for the way it reveals important clues about region, climate, topography, soil, and the passage of seasons and time. This work has increasingly focused on the connections between land use and climate change, as attention to shortening food miles—reducing the […]

Cambio climático, Medio ambiente, Conservación del suelo

A Cartographic Meditation

Mapping the Colorado River Basin in the 21st Century

By Zach Sugg

Junio 2021, inglés

  The Babbitt Center’s new Colorado River Basin map is available at no cost as a downloadable pdf and as a hard copy. Where is the Colorado River Basin? A novice attempting a cursory Google search will be surprised—and perhaps frustrated, confused, or a little of both—to find that there is no simple answer to that question. […]

Medio ambiente, Conservación del suelo, Tecnología e instrumentos, Agua

Junio 2021, inglés

  The Babbitt Center’s new Colorado River Basin map is available at no cost as a downloadable pdf and as a hard copy. Where is the Colorado River Basin? A novice attempting a cursory Google search will be surprised—and perhaps frustrated, confused, or a little of both—to find that there is no simple answer to that question. […]

Medio ambiente, Conservación del suelo, Tecnología e instrumentos, Agua

From Vision to Value

A Case Study of How Seven Danish Cities Conduct Area Development to Propel Urban Revival

Luise Noring

Junio 2021, inglés

Documentos de trabajo

Planificación urbana y regional, urbanización

Junio 2021, inglés

Documentos de trabajo

Planificación urbana y regional, urbanización

Research, Public Sector Policy Change, Advocacy, Philanthropy and the Private Sector Collide to Create an Affordable Housing and Economic Development Opportunity in Colorado

The Case of indieDwell

Phyllis Resnick and Jennifer Newcomer

Junio 2021, inglés

Documentos de trabajo

Planificación urbana y regional, Desarrollo económico, Vivienda, Gobierno local, Pobreza e inequidad, finanzas públicas

Junio 2021, inglés

Documentos de trabajo

Planificación urbana y regional, Desarrollo económico, Vivienda, Gobierno local, Pobreza e inequidad, finanzas públicas

Providing Affordable Home Ownership Opportunities in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Larissa Larsen and Kumelachew Yeshitela

Junio 2021, inglés

Documentos de trabajo

Vivienda, Pobreza e inequidad

Junio 2021, inglés

Documentos de trabajo

Vivienda, Pobreza e inequidad

Opportunity Clusters

The Twin Cities Case Study

Andrew Guthrie, Yingling Fan, and Greg Lindsey

Junio 2021, inglés

Documentos de trabajo

Planificación urbana y regional, Pobreza e inequidad

Junio 2021, inglés

Documentos de trabajo

Planificación urbana y regional, Pobreza e inequidad

City Tech

Latin America and the E-Bus Revolution

By Rob Walker

Junio 2021, inglés

  At some point in the last few years, it was like a switch flipped: it became clear that the electric vehicle technology revolution is real and could have significant planning and land use impacts. For the last decade or so, the spotlight has often focused on how this cleaner energy alternative could power new […]

Infraestructura, Recuperación de plusvalías

Junio 2021, inglés

  At some point in the last few years, it was like a switch flipped: it became clear that the electric vehicle technology revolution is real and could have significant planning and land use impacts. For the last decade or so, the spotlight has often focused on how this cleaner energy alternative could power new […]

Infraestructura, Recuperación de plusvalías

Image of CLU headquarters

President’s Message

Expanding Upon a Legacy of Learning

By George W. McCarthy

Junio 2021, inglés

  “The mind that is not baffled is not employed.” – Wendell Berry Over the course of my career, I’ve had the opportunity to teach in many different places and contexts, from a vocational high school on the South Shore of Massachusetts to undergraduate and graduate classrooms in New York, North Carolina, England, Italy, and […]

Gobierno local, Tecnología e instrumentos

Junio 2021, inglés

  “The mind that is not baffled is not employed.” – Wendell Berry Over the course of my career, I’ve had the opportunity to teach in many different places and contexts, from a vocational high school on the South Shore of Massachusetts to undergraduate and graduate classrooms in New York, North Carolina, England, Italy, and […]

Gobierno local, Tecnología e instrumentos