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From the President

H. James Brown

Enero 2004, inglés

Last October the Lincoln Institute sponsored the fourth annual symposium for recipients of David C. Lincoln Fellowships in Land Value Taxation (LVT). This fellowship program was established to provide funding for in-depth research by scholars and practitioners working on various aspects of the tax and to present a forum for continued learning and sharing among […]

Desarrollo económico, Mercados de suelo, impuesto a la propiedad inmobiliaria

Enero 2004, inglés

Last October the Lincoln Institute sponsored the fourth annual symposium for recipients of David C. Lincoln Fellowships in Land Value Taxation (LVT). This fellowship program was established to provide funding for in-depth research by scholars and practitioners working on various aspects of the tax and to present a forum for continued learning and sharing among […]

Desarrollo económico, Mercados de suelo, impuesto a la propiedad inmobiliaria

Property Tax Reform and Smart Growth

Connecting Some of the Dots

Richard W. England

Enero 2004, inglés

It is undeniable that land use change in the United States has been occurring at a rapid rate. Between 1982 and 1997 alone, developed land increased nationwide by 25 million acres, or 34 percent. Population growth certainly helped to fuel this increase in settled land area, as the U.S. resident population grew by 15.6 percent […]

Desarrollo económico, Mercados de suelo, impuesto a la propiedad inmobiliaria, finanzas públicas

Enero 2004, inglés

It is undeniable that land use change in the United States has been occurring at a rapid rate. Between 1982 and 1997 alone, developed land increased nationwide by 25 million acres, or 34 percent. Population growth certainly helped to fuel this increase in settled land area, as the U.S. resident population grew by 15.6 percent […]

Desarrollo económico, Mercados de suelo, impuesto a la propiedad inmobiliaria, finanzas públicas

Effects of Land Acquisition on China’s Economic Future

Chengri Ding

Enero 2004, inglés

In the past quarter century, the People’s Republic of China has achieved remarkable progress in economic growth, social advancement, and political and administrative reforms. These achievements are largely attributed to the commitment of the Chinese government to improve its people’s welfare through adherence to a free market economy. The interrelated forces of economic growth and […]

Desarrollo económico, Derechos de propiedad y suelo, Uso de suelo y zonificación, urbanización

Enero 2004, inglés

In the past quarter century, the People’s Republic of China has achieved remarkable progress in economic growth, social advancement, and political and administrative reforms. These achievements are largely attributed to the commitment of the Chinese government to improve its people’s welfare through adherence to a free market economy. The interrelated forces of economic growth and […]

Desarrollo económico, Derechos de propiedad y suelo, Uso de suelo y zonificación, urbanización

Faculty Profile

Gerrit-Jan Knaap

Enero 2004, inglés

Gerrit-Jan Knaap is an economist, professor of urban studies and planning, and executive director of the National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education at the University of Maryland, in College Park. His research interests include the economics and politics of land use planning, the efficacy of economic development instruments, and the impacts of environmental […]

Planificación urbana y regional, Mercados de suelo, Uso de suelo y zonificación, urbanización

Enero 2004, inglés

Gerrit-Jan Knaap is an economist, professor of urban studies and planning, and executive director of the National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education at the University of Maryland, in College Park. His research interests include the economics and politics of land use planning, the efficacy of economic development instruments, and the impacts of environmental […]

Planificación urbana y regional, Mercados de suelo, Uso de suelo y zonificación, urbanización

Evaluating the Feasibility and Burden Shifting Impacts of a State Land Value Tax on Commercial and Industrial Property

Mark Haveman

Enero 2004, inglés

Documentos de trabajo

Tributación al valor del suelo, Gobierno local, impuesto a la propiedad inmobiliaria

Enero 2004, inglés

Documentos de trabajo

Tributación al valor del suelo, Gobierno local, impuesto a la propiedad inmobiliaria

Land Lines, October 2003

Edited by Ann LeRoyer

Octubre 2003, inglés

Planificación urbana y regional, Vivienda, Tributación al valor del suelo, impuesto a la propiedad inmobiliaria, finanzas públicas, urbanización

Octubre 2003, inglés

Planificación urbana y regional, Vivienda, Tributación al valor del suelo, impuesto a la propiedad inmobiliaria, finanzas públicas, urbanización

From the President

H. James Brown

Octubre 2003, inglés

In preparation for the 2003–2004 academic year, the Lincoln Institute has made some changes in its departmental structure. We established the Department of International Studies to integrate the Institute’s international research and educational programs that address key land and tax policy issues identified by the existing departments of Valuation and Taxation and Planning and Development. […]

Planificación urbana y regional, Derechos de propiedad y suelo, Mercados de suelo

Octubre 2003, inglés

In preparation for the 2003–2004 academic year, the Lincoln Institute has made some changes in its departmental structure. We established the Department of International Studies to integrate the Institute’s international research and educational programs that address key land and tax policy issues identified by the existing departments of Valuation and Taxation and Planning and Development. […]

Planificación urbana y regional, Derechos de propiedad y suelo, Mercados de suelo

The Changing Politics of Urban Mega-Projects

Alan Altshuler and David Luberoff

Octubre 2003, inglés

From the earliest days of the Republic, civic boosters have prodded American governments to develop large-scale physical facilities—mega-projects, we label them—ranging from canals and railroads in the nineteenth century to rail transit systems and convention centers today. Until the mid-twentieth century, such projects tended to involve modest public expenditures by contemporary standards and they rarely […]

Planificación urbana y regional, Uso de suelo y zonificación, finanzas públicas, urbanización

Octubre 2003, inglés

From the earliest days of the Republic, civic boosters have prodded American governments to develop large-scale physical facilities—mega-projects, we label them—ranging from canals and railroads in the nineteenth century to rail transit systems and convention centers today. Until the mid-twentieth century, such projects tended to involve modest public expenditures by contemporary standards and they rarely […]

Planificación urbana y regional, Uso de suelo y zonificación, finanzas públicas, urbanización