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Some Observations on Street Life in Chinese Cities

Stephan Fairfield, Ofer Manor, David Perkes, and Harriet Tregoning

Octubre 2004, inglés

The Lincoln Institute has been collaborating with the Loeb Fellowship Program at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design for several years. The program was established in 1970 through the generosity of alumnus John L. Loeb, and each year invites about 10 mid-career professionals to study independently and develop insights and connections that can advance their […]

Planificación urbana y regional, urbanización

Octubre 2004, inglés

The Lincoln Institute has been collaborating with the Loeb Fellowship Program at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design for several years. The program was established in 1970 through the generosity of alumnus John L. Loeb, and each year invites about 10 mid-career professionals to study independently and develop insights and connections that can advance their […]

Planificación urbana y regional, urbanización

Land Use and Design Innovations in Private Communities

Eran Ben-Joseph

Octubre 2004, inglés

The twenty-first century will witness record growth in the number and distribution of private residential communities. Collectively referred to as common interest communities (CICs) or common interest developments (CIDs), these communities rely on covenants, conditions and restrictions to privately govern and control land use, design decisions, services and social conduct. The communities own, operate and […]

Planificación urbana y regional, Desarrollo económico, Vivienda, Uso de suelo y zonificación

Octubre 2004, inglés

The twenty-first century will witness record growth in the number and distribution of private residential communities. Collectively referred to as common interest communities (CICs) or common interest developments (CIDs), these communities rely on covenants, conditions and restrictions to privately govern and control land use, design decisions, services and social conduct. The communities own, operate and […]

Planificación urbana y regional, Desarrollo económico, Vivienda, Uso de suelo y zonificación

What Politicians Know About Land Taxation

David Brunori

Octubre 2004, inglés

Supporters of land taxation view it as an efficient and effective means of financing government, and the concept has wide appeal among public finance scholars. Many economists, including several Nobel Prize winners, actively endorse this method of taxation, which taxes land value separately and instead of buildings and improvements. At least from an academic perspective, […]

Desarrollo económico, Gobierno local, impuesto a la propiedad inmobiliaria, finanzas públicas

Octubre 2004, inglés

Supporters of land taxation view it as an efficient and effective means of financing government, and the concept has wide appeal among public finance scholars. Many economists, including several Nobel Prize winners, actively endorse this method of taxation, which taxes land value separately and instead of buildings and improvements. At least from an academic perspective, […]

Desarrollo económico, Gobierno local, impuesto a la propiedad inmobiliaria, finanzas públicas

Faculty Profile

Francisco Sabatini

Octubre 2004, inglés

Francisco Sabatini, a sociologist and urban planner, is a professor at the Catholic University of Chile in Santiago, where he lectures on urban studies and planning and conducts research on residential segregation, value capture and environmental conflicts. He combines his academic work with involvement in NGO-based research and action projects in low-income neighborhoods and villages. […]

Planificación urbana y regional, Desarrollo económico, Pobreza e inequidad, urbanización

Octubre 2004, inglés

Francisco Sabatini, a sociologist and urban planner, is a professor at the Catholic University of Chile in Santiago, where he lectures on urban studies and planning and conducts research on residential segregation, value capture and environmental conflicts. He combines his academic work with involvement in NGO-based research and action projects in low-income neighborhoods and villages. […]

Planificación urbana y regional, Desarrollo económico, Pobreza e inequidad, urbanización

Local Public Finance

A Glossary

Harini Venkatesh

Octubre 2004, inglés

Documentos de trabajo

Octubre 2004, inglés

Documentos de trabajo

Training Indiana’s Assessors

A Blueprint and Foundation for Reform

Frank Kelly and Jeff Wuensch

Octubre 2004, inglés

Documentos de trabajo

Gobierno local, impuesto a la propiedad inmobiliaria

Octubre 2004, inglés

Documentos de trabajo

Gobierno local, impuesto a la propiedad inmobiliaria

Land Lines, July 2004

Edited by Ann LeRoyer

Julio 2004, inglés

Planificación urbana y regional, Medio ambiente, Asentamientos informales, Derechos de propiedad y suelo, Uso de suelo y zonificación, Tecnología e instrumentos

Julio 2004, inglés

Planificación urbana y regional, Medio ambiente, Asentamientos informales, Derechos de propiedad y suelo, Uso de suelo y zonificación, Tecnología e instrumentos

Farmland Preservation in China

Chengri Ding

Julio 2004, inglés

The fast pace of farmland conversion in the People’s Republic of China is causing alarm among top leaders concerned with food security and China’s ability to remain self-reliant in crop production. This loss of farmland is a direct result of China’s remarkable success in economic development over the past two decades, which has resulted in […]

Medio ambiente, Conservación del suelo, Uso de suelo y zonificación, urbanización

Julio 2004, inglés

The fast pace of farmland conversion in the People’s Republic of China is causing alarm among top leaders concerned with food security and China’s ability to remain self-reliant in crop production. This loss of farmland is a direct result of China’s remarkable success in economic development over the past two decades, which has resulted in […]

Medio ambiente, Conservación del suelo, Uso de suelo y zonificación, urbanización