The Consortium for Scenario Planning offers a community of practice for practitioners, including access to technical assistance, educational resources, and a network of fellow innovators.

Our Work

Established in 2017, the consortium today includes members from rural, city, county, and regional planning agencies; software development companies; academia; and more. We work to increase the practice, accessibility, and resources of scenario planning for both newcomers and longtime practitioners—and to expand scenario planning to rural and suburban areas, municipalities, and other applicable contexts.

Learn More About Our Work

What Is Scenario Planning?

Scenario planning is a practice through which communities plan for an uncertain future by exploring multiple possibilities of what might happen. The practice guides planners, community members, and other stakeholders through considerations of various futures and how to effectively respond to and plan for them.

Learn More About Scenario Planning
Scenario Planning for Cities and Regions
Robert Goodspeed


City and Regional Planning

Cover of the report titled "How to Use Exploratory Scenario Planning (XSP)" by Jeremy Stapleton. Cover is an abstract design with a black background and lines going in several directions.
How to Use Exploratory Scenario Planning (XSP)
Jeremy Stapleton

Policy Focus Report

City and Regional Planning

Image shows the first page of the policy brief
Exploratory Scenario Planning
Jeremy Stapleton

Policy Brief

City and Regional Planning

Land Lines Magazine

Regional Visioning

In the late 1990s, the 10-county Greater Wasatch area of Utah faced the prospect of rapid population growth. Experts projected that by 2020, one million new residents would migrate to cities along the 140-mile-long urban corridor hugging the western edge of the Rocky Mountains and anchored by the state capital, Salt Lake City. The …

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Our Experts

Headshot of Heather Hannon

Heather Hannon

Director of Planning Practice & Scenario Planning

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Cambridge, Massachusetts

Madeline Hiller

Program Coordinator, Planning Practice and Scenario Planning

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Cambridge, Massachusetts