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Gleam Davis

Mayor’s Desk

Santa Monica Goes All-In on Green: Reflections from Mayor Gleam Davis

By Anthony Flint

March 2019, English

  For some people, Santa Monica conjures images of sunshine and surfing. But the southern California city should rightly be known for sustainability, too. The City Council adopted the Santa Monica Sustainable City Program in 1994; twenty-five years later, the city has made measurable progress on projects ranging from retrofitting buildings to embracing renewable energy. […]

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Infrastructure, Local Government, Water

March 2019, English

  For some people, Santa Monica conjures images of sunshine and surfing. But the southern California city should rightly be known for sustainability, too. The City Council adopted the Santa Monica Sustainable City Program in 1994; twenty-five years later, the city has made measurable progress on projects ranging from retrofitting buildings to embracing renewable energy. […]

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Infrastructure, Local Government, Water

A group of YIMBY advocates pose for a picture with signs supporting California bill SB 827.

Backyard Brouhaha

Could Inclusionary Housing Break the YIMBY Deadlock?

By Anthony Flint

February 2019, English

The movement known as YIMBY, or Yes in My Back Yard, has long argued that more development will reduce housing prices. Critics argue—with some evidence—that things aren't that simple, but some communities are moving forward using inclusionary housing.

Economic Development, Housing, Land Use and Zoning, Value Capture

February 2019, English

The movement known as YIMBY, or Yes in My Back Yard, has long argued that more development will reduce housing prices. Critics argue—with some evidence—that things aren't that simple, but some communities are moving forward using inclusionary housing.

Economic Development, Housing, Land Use and Zoning, Value Capture

At least a foot of water floods a neighborhood of single family houses

Climate Adaptation

As the Sea Rises, Communities Learn to Have Difficult Conversations About Retreat

By Will Jason

February 2019, English

Across the United States, as tidal flooding and extreme weather increase, coastal communities are learning to confront the inevitable—that at least some residents will need to retreat to safer ground.

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment

February 2019, English

Across the United States, as tidal flooding and extreme weather increase, coastal communities are learning to confront the inevitable—that at least some residents will need to retreat to safer ground.

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment

Photograph shows the side of a blighted building on a city street with crumbling paint

Improving Tax Increment Financing (TIF) for Economic Development

David Merriman

February 2019, English

Policy Briefs

Economic Development, Property Tax

February 2019, English

Policy Briefs

Economic Development, Property Tax

This image shows a playground

Community Investment

Hospital System Helps Create Affordable Housing in San Bernardino

By Alyia Gaskins

February 2019, English

  For years, the City of San Bernardino, California, worked with the county housing authority, a nonprofit affordable housing developer called National CORE, and community residents to develop a plan to replace Waterman Gardens—an aging 252-unit public housing complex in desperate need of repair—with high-quality affordable housing. They launched the Arrowhead Grove Neighborhood Revitalization plan, a 38-acre, mixed-income housing […]

Economic Development, Housing

February 2019, English

  For years, the City of San Bernardino, California, worked with the county housing authority, a nonprofit affordable housing developer called National CORE, and community residents to develop a plan to replace Waterman Gardens—an aging 252-unit public housing complex in desperate need of repair—with high-quality affordable housing. They launched the Arrowhead Grove Neighborhood Revitalization plan, a 38-acre, mixed-income housing […]

Economic Development, Housing


Las viviendas imprimibles en 3D comienzan a tomar forma

Por Rob Walker

February 2019, Spanish

  En la última década, la impresión tridimensional fue una de las ideas con mayor resonancia en el ámbito de la tecnología. En vez de agregar tinta a un papel, una impresora 3D traduce un diseño digital en un objeto al agregar capas y capas de material (plástico, metal o concreto) mediante una extrusora guiada […]

Housing, Technology and Tools

February 2019, Spanish

  En la última década, la impresión tridimensional fue una de las ideas con mayor resonancia en el ámbito de la tecnología. En vez de agregar tinta a un papel, una impresora 3D traduce un diseño digital en un objeto al agregar capas y capas de material (plástico, metal o concreto) mediante una extrusora guiada […]

Housing, Technology and Tools

Los costos ocultos del TIF

Recapacitar sobre una herramienta elogiada para el desarrollo económico

Por Anthony Flint

February 2019, Spanish

  Molly Metzger no planeaba convertirse en experta en financiamiento por incremento impositivo (TIF), y mucho menos liderar un grupo de ciudadanos enfocado en ese asunto. Pero cuando el conflicto racial de su St. Louis natal tuvo un receso abrupto debido al conocido asesinato de Michael Brown en Ferguson, cerca de allí, se sintió obligada […]

Economic Development, Property Tax

February 2019, Spanish

  Molly Metzger no planeaba convertirse en experta en financiamiento por incremento impositivo (TIF), y mucho menos liderar un grupo de ciudadanos enfocado en ese asunto. Pero cuando el conflicto racial de su St. Louis natal tuvo un receso abrupto debido al conocido asesinato de Michael Brown en Ferguson, cerca de allí, se sintió obligada […]

Economic Development, Property Tax

Dar vivienda a los sin techo

Las ciudades prósperas tratan la crisis de sus calles, que se agrava cada vez más

Por Kathleen McCormick

February 2019, Spanish

  Sobre el centro de Los Ángeles se ciernen grúas enormes, y en las calles resuenan ruidos de construcción, mientras los edificios nuevos y relucientes de uso mixto, los departamentos de lujo y las torres de oficinas cobran forma. Parecería ser evidencia certera de una ciudad próspera; salvo por el hecho de que las mismas […]

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Urbanization

February 2019, Spanish

  Sobre el centro de Los Ángeles se ciernen grúas enormes, y en las calles resuenan ruidos de construcción, mientras los edificios nuevos y relucientes de uso mixto, los departamentos de lujo y las torres de oficinas cobran forma. Parecería ser evidencia certera de una ciudad próspera; salvo por el hecho de que las mismas […]

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Urbanization