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Place Database

Brownfields in High and Moderate Flood Risk Areas in Providence, RI

By Jenna DeAngelo

April 2019, English

  Though frequently seen as an urban liability, brownfields can be an asset. The cost to remediate these formerly developed properties is often high, but they present valuable opportunities for revitalization and redevelopment. According to the EPA, waterfront brownfields “can play an important role in bolstering local resilience to increased flooding, storm surge, or temperatures […]

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Technology and Tools, Water

April 2019, English

  Though frequently seen as an urban liability, brownfields can be an asset. The cost to remediate these formerly developed properties is often high, but they present valuable opportunities for revitalization and redevelopment. According to the EPA, waterfront brownfields “can play an important role in bolstering local resilience to increased flooding, storm surge, or temperatures […]

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Technology and Tools, Water

A car sits submerged under water as a results of heavy flooding. The car sits under an aging Providence & Worcester Railroad bridge in Worcester.

Great Adaptations

How Two Smaller Legacy Cities Are Adopting Green Infrastructure

By Cyrus Moulton

April 2019, English

Connected by the Blackstone River and by a history of hard times, Worcester, Massachusetts, and Providence, Rhode Island, are demonstrating how green infrastructure can help forge a new urban future in the era of climate change.

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Infrastructure, Local Government

April 2019, English

Connected by the Blackstone River and by a history of hard times, Worcester, Massachusetts, and Providence, Rhode Island, are demonstrating how green infrastructure can help forge a new urban future in the era of climate change.

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Infrastructure, Local Government

President’s Message

Building the Cities We Need

By George W. McCarthy

April 2019, English

By 2050, the planet will be 70 percent urban. How will our cities cope with the predicted influx of people—and will they be able to retain some sense of place, or simply yield to global market forces?

City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Housing, Informal Settlements, Infrastructure, Land Markets, Land Use and Zoning, Urbanization

April 2019, English

By 2050, the planet will be 70 percent urban. How will our cities cope with the predicted influx of people—and will they be able to retain some sense of place, or simply yield to global market forces?

City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Housing, Informal Settlements, Infrastructure, Land Markets, Land Use and Zoning, Urbanization

Mecanismos y estrategias de política de suelo y vivienda para la inclusión social

Caso de estudio Bogotá D.C., período 2000–2015

María Cristina Rojas E., Rodrigo E. Carrascal E., and Yolanda B. Caballero P.

April 2019, Spanish

Working Papers

Housing, Land Use and Zoning, Poverty and Inequality, Public Finance

April 2019, Spanish

Working Papers

Housing, Land Use and Zoning, Poverty and Inequality, Public Finance

Nationwide Mass Appraisal Modeling in China

Feasibility Analysis for Scalability Given Ad Valorem Property Tax Reform

Peadar Davis, Michael McCord, Paul Bidanset, and Margie Cusack

April 2019, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Housing, Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

April 2019, English

Working Papers

Economic Development, Housing, Local Government, Property Tax, Public Finance

Scenario Planning

Embracing Uncertainty to Make Better Decisions

By Robert Goodspeed

March 2019, English

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Technology and Tools

March 2019, English

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Technology and Tools

Photograph of several people standing around a table on which there is a colorful plan showing streets and buildings. Some of the people lean toward the surface of the table to place colored stickers on the plan. A laptop computer on the table shows another version of the plan.

Scenario Planning

Embracing Uncertainty to Make Better Decisions

Robert Goodspeed

March 2019, English

Policy Briefs

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Technology and Tools

March 2019, English

Policy Briefs

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Technology and Tools

Recessionary Property Taxes

Evidence from Maryland

Andrew T. Hayashi

March 2019, English

Working Papers

Property Tax

March 2019, English

Working Papers

Property Tax