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Planning for Sustainable Food Systems: A Scenario Planning Toolkit

Kristi Taebe and Kaelan Watson

December 2023, English

This toolkit is intended to provide planning practitioners and other food systems stakeholders with a step-by-step guide to the application of scenario planning for bioregional food systems.

Other Publications

City and Regional Planning

December 2023, English

This toolkit is intended to provide planning practitioners and other food systems stakeholders with a step-by-step guide to the application of scenario planning for bioregional food systems.

Other Publications

City and Regional Planning

As India Grows Rapidly, Conservationists Seek New Strategies

By Jon Gorey

December 2023, English

A team from the International Land Conservation Network spent two and half weeks in India exploring the country's land conservation practices and policy

Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation

December 2023, English

A team from the International Land Conservation Network spent two and half weeks in India exploring the country's land conservation practices and policy

Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation

New Tool Measures Vertical Equity in Property Tax Assessments

By Jon Gorey

December 2023, English

The online tool provides a free resource for evaluating and interpreting assessment equity in several ways

Housing, Property Tax, Technology and Tools, Valuation

December 2023, English

The online tool provides a free resource for evaluating and interpreting assessment equity in several ways

Housing, Property Tax, Technology and Tools, Valuation

2023 Journalists Forum: Innovations in Affordability

By Jon Gorey and Anthony Flint

December 2023, English

The Lincoln Institute convened 30 US-based journalists for a two-day discussion on housing affordability

Housing, Land Markets, Poverty and Inequality, Technology and Tools

December 2023, English

The Lincoln Institute convened 30 US-based journalists for a two-day discussion on housing affordability

Housing, Land Markets, Poverty and Inequality, Technology and Tools

Agriculture in the Colorado River Basin States

Challenges and Implications for the Future

Nike Opejin, Faith Sternlieb, and Catherine Van Dyke

December 2023, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Economic Development, Environment, Land Use and Zoning, Urbanization, Water

December 2023, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Economic Development, Environment, Land Use and Zoning, Urbanization, Water

Grandes proyectos urbanos

Conceptos y lecciones de política en América Latina

Eduardo Reese, Camila Maleronka, and María Cristina Rojas

December 2023, Spanish

El presente reporte aborda el tema de grandes proyectos urbanos (GPU) desde una perspectiva latinoamericana y recoge las experiencias en la región.

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Infrastructure, Public Finance, Urbanization

December 2023, Spanish

El presente reporte aborda el tema de grandes proyectos urbanos (GPU) desde una perspectiva latinoamericana y recoge las experiencias en la región.

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Infrastructure, Public Finance, Urbanization


Land Matters Podcast: Paige Cognetti and the Reinvention of Scranton

By Anthony Flint

December 2023, English

The postindustrial city of Scranton, Pennsylvania, developed some curiously 21st century claims to fame. But now the city of 75,000 is setting its sights on new strategies for equitable economic revitalization, as Mayor Paige Cognetti explains.

City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Housing, Local Government

December 2023, English

The postindustrial city of Scranton, Pennsylvania, developed some curiously 21st century claims to fame. But now the city of 75,000 is setting its sights on new strategies for equitable economic revitalization, as Mayor Paige Cognetti explains.

City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Housing, Local Government

People speaking on a stage in front of a mural

Lincoln Award Recognizes Outstanding Land Policy Journalism in Latin America

By Jon Gorey

December 2023, English

Investigations of climate funding inequties, illegal land grabs, and water scarcity earn kudos in annual competition

Climate Change, Economic Development, Environment, Land Use and Zoning

December 2023, English

Investigations of climate funding inequties, illegal land grabs, and water scarcity earn kudos in annual competition

Climate Change, Economic Development, Environment, Land Use and Zoning