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En el ámbito interno

Dirigentes locales abordan la crisis de vivenda asequible

Por Loren Berlin

April 2022, Spanish

  W Cuando Jacob Gonzalez se mudó de Seattle a Pasco, Washington, su ciudad natal, para trabajar en el Concejo Regional de Gobiernos en 2013, si bien sus necesidades de vivienda eran sencillas, a simple vista, resultaron sorprendentemente difíciles de abordar. “Lo único que buscaba era un departamento pequeño para mí y mis CD. Ni […]

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Land Use and Zoning, Poverty and Inequality

April 2022, Spanish

  W Cuando Jacob Gonzalez se mudó de Seattle a Pasco, Washington, su ciudad natal, para trabajar en el Concejo Regional de Gobiernos en 2013, si bien sus necesidades de vivienda eran sencillas, a simple vista, resultaron sorprendentemente difíciles de abordar. “Lo único que buscaba era un departamento pequeño para mí y mis CD. Ni […]

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Land Use and Zoning, Poverty and Inequality

Mensaje del presidente

Cómo solucionar problemas complicados

Por George W. McCarthy

April 2022, Spanish

  E n publicaciones realizadas en la última Época Dorada, Henry George advirtió acerca de los peligros sociales y económicos de donar plus-valías a propietarios que no habían hecho nada para ganárselas. En esta nueva Época Dorada, la desigualdad económica combinada con tasas de interés persistentemente bajas conduce al empeoramiento de la redistribución de la […]

Housing, Land Markets, Land Use and Zoning, Poverty and Inequality

April 2022, Spanish

  E n publicaciones realizadas en la última Época Dorada, Henry George advirtió acerca de los peligros sociales y económicos de donar plus-valías a propietarios que no habían hecho nada para ganárselas. En esta nueva Época Dorada, la desigualdad económica combinada con tasas de interés persistentemente bajas conduce al empeoramiento de la redistribución de la […]

Housing, Land Markets, Land Use and Zoning, Poverty and Inequality

Image of downtown Detroit with a residential neighborhood in the foreground.

New Report: Taxing Land More Than Buildings Would Help Detroit Homeowners and Spur Development

By Will Jason

April 2022, English

Reforming Detroit’s property tax system by taxing land at a higher rate than buildings would help to revive the local economy and reduce tax bills for nearly every homeowner, according to a new study from the nonprofit Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

Economic Development, Housing, Property Tax, Public Finance

April 2022, English

Reforming Detroit’s property tax system by taxing land at a higher rate than buildings would help to revive the local economy and reduce tax bills for nearly every homeowner, according to a new study from the nonprofit Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

Economic Development, Housing, Property Tax, Public Finance


City Tech: As Delivery Methods Evolve, Will City Streets Keep Up?

By Rob Walker

April 2022, English

The demand for rapid delivery has increased sharply since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. With major companies trying out new ways to deliver their products, the pace and range of vehicle experiments has accelerated— and that is likely to impact the d

City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Technology and Tools

April 2022, English

The demand for rapid delivery has increased sharply since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. With major companies trying out new ways to deliver their products, the pace and range of vehicle experiments has accelerated— and that is likely to impact the d

City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Technology and Tools


¿Seguirán las calles de la ciudad el mismo ritmo de evolución que los métodos de entrega a domicilio?

Por Rob Walker

April 2022, Spanish

  D urante años, las innovaciones en métodos de movilidad alternativos (escúteres, bicicletas eléctricas, vehículos autónomos) se han enfocado en cómo se desplazan las personas. Pero, en la era de la pandemia, el foco se movió hacia otro objetivo de movilidad: el traslado de artículos. La demanda de entregas rápidas ha aumentado bruscamente en los […]

City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Technology and Tools

April 2022, Spanish

  D urante años, las innovaciones en métodos de movilidad alternativos (escúteres, bicicletas eléctricas, vehículos autónomos) se han enfocado en cómo se desplazan las personas. Pero, en la era de la pandemia, el foco se movió hacia otro objetivo de movilidad: el traslado de artículos. La demanda de entregas rápidas ha aumentado bruscamente en los […]

City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Technology and Tools

Split Rate Property Tax in Detroit: Findings and Recommendations

Split-Rate Property Taxation in Detroit

Findings and Recommendations

John E. Anderson and Nick Allen

April 2022, English

Collecting more taxes on fewer properties has created significant challenges for residents and investors in Detroit. This study covers subjects of central importance to the City of Detroit: tax delinquency, business formation, and property value effects.


Economic Development, Land Value Taxation, Local Government, Property Tax

April 2022, English

Collecting more taxes on fewer properties has created significant challenges for residents and investors in Detroit. This study covers subjects of central importance to the City of Detroit: tax delinquency, business formation, and property value effects.


Economic Development, Land Value Taxation, Local Government, Property Tax

The Internet of Water Initiative Will Help Policy Makers Address Climate Change

By Will Jason

March 2022, English

The new Internet of Water Initiative at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy will modernize existing systems for managing water data, and help government agencies and private organizations coordinate with each other and make their data more accessible.

Land Lines Magazine


March 2022, English

The new Internet of Water Initiative at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy will modernize existing systems for managing water data, and help government agencies and private organizations coordinate with each other and make their data more accessible.

Land Lines Magazine


Property Tax Relief for Homeowners

Adam H. Langley and Joan Youngman

March 2022, English

Property Tax Relief for Homeowners offers a guide to providing effective, targeted property tax relief without compromising municipal fiscal health or services.

Policy Brief

Housing, Property Tax

March 2022, English

Property Tax Relief for Homeowners offers a guide to providing effective, targeted property tax relief without compromising municipal fiscal health or services.

Policy Brief

Housing, Property Tax