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Image of downtown Detroit with a residential neighborhood in the foreground.

New Report: Taxing Land More Than Buildings Would Help Detroit Homeowners and Spur Development

By Will Jason

April 2022, English

Reforming Detroit’s property tax system by taxing land at a higher rate than buildings would help to revive the local economy and reduce tax bills for nearly every homeowner, according to a new study from the nonprofit Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

Economic Development, Housing, Property Tax, Public Finance

April 2022, English

Reforming Detroit’s property tax system by taxing land at a higher rate than buildings would help to revive the local economy and reduce tax bills for nearly every homeowner, according to a new study from the nonprofit Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

Economic Development, Housing, Property Tax, Public Finance


City Tech: As Delivery Methods Evolve, Will City Streets Keep Up?

By Rob Walker

April 2022, English

The demand for rapid delivery has increased sharply since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. With major companies trying out new ways to deliver their products, the pace and range of vehicle experiments has accelerated— and that is likely to impact the d

City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Technology and Tools

April 2022, English

The demand for rapid delivery has increased sharply since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. With major companies trying out new ways to deliver their products, the pace and range of vehicle experiments has accelerated— and that is likely to impact the d

City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Technology and Tools


¿Seguirán las calles de la ciudad el mismo ritmo de evolución que los métodos de entrega a domicilio?

Por Rob Walker

April 2022, Spanish

  D urante años, las innovaciones en métodos de movilidad alternativos (escúteres, bicicletas eléctricas, vehículos autónomos) se han enfocado en cómo se desplazan las personas. Pero, en la era de la pandemia, el foco se movió hacia otro objetivo de movilidad: el traslado de artículos. La demanda de entregas rápidas ha aumentado bruscamente en los […]

City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Technology and Tools

April 2022, Spanish

  D urante años, las innovaciones en métodos de movilidad alternativos (escúteres, bicicletas eléctricas, vehículos autónomos) se han enfocado en cómo se desplazan las personas. Pero, en la era de la pandemia, el foco se movió hacia otro objetivo de movilidad: el traslado de artículos. La demanda de entregas rápidas ha aumentado bruscamente en los […]

City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Technology and Tools

Split Rate Property Tax in Detroit: Findings and Recommendations

Split-Rate Property Taxation in Detroit

Findings and Recommendations

John E. Anderson and Nick Allen

April 2022, English

Collecting more taxes on fewer properties has created significant challenges for residents and investors in Detroit. This study covers subjects of central importance to the City of Detroit: tax delinquency, business formation, and property value effects.


Economic Development, Land Value Taxation, Local Government, Property Tax

April 2022, English

Collecting more taxes on fewer properties has created significant challenges for residents and investors in Detroit. This study covers subjects of central importance to the City of Detroit: tax delinquency, business formation, and property value effects.


Economic Development, Land Value Taxation, Local Government, Property Tax

The Internet of Water Initiative Will Help Policy Makers Address Climate Change

By Will Jason

March 2022, English

The new Internet of Water Initiative at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy will modernize existing systems for managing water data, and help government agencies and private organizations coordinate with each other and make their data more accessible.

Land Lines Magazine


March 2022, English

The new Internet of Water Initiative at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy will modernize existing systems for managing water data, and help government agencies and private organizations coordinate with each other and make their data more accessible.

Land Lines Magazine


Property Tax Relief for Homeowners

Adam H. Langley and Joan Youngman

March 2022, English

Property Tax Relief for Homeowners offers a guide to providing effective, targeted property tax relief without compromising municipal fiscal health or services.

Policy Briefs

Housing, Property Tax

March 2022, English

Property Tax Relief for Homeowners offers a guide to providing effective, targeted property tax relief without compromising municipal fiscal health or services.

Policy Briefs

Housing, Property Tax

The One Water Cycle

National Groups Join Forces to Urge Better Integration of Land and Water Planning

By Katharine Wroth

March 2022, English

Citing the increasing demand for water even as drought is shrinking supplies, several organizations including the Babbitt Center for Land and Water Policy have issued a joint call to action urging more comprehensive integration of land and water planning

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Infrastructure, Water

March 2022, English

Citing the increasing demand for water even as drought is shrinking supplies, several organizations including the Babbitt Center for Land and Water Policy have issued a joint call to action urging more comprehensive integration of land and water planning

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Infrastructure, Water

Image of the United States taken at night from space.

New Book on Megaregions Provides a Framework for Large-Scale Public Investment

By Will Jason

March 2022, English

Megaregions and America’s Future explains the concept of megaregions, provides updated economic, demographic, and environmental data, draws lessons from Europe and Asia, and shows how megaregions are an essential framework for governing the world’s larges

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Economic Development, Infrastructure

March 2022, English

Megaregions and America’s Future explains the concept of megaregions, provides updated economic, demographic, and environmental data, draws lessons from Europe and Asia, and shows how megaregions are an essential framework for governing the world’s larges

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Economic Development, Infrastructure