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Land Prices, Land Markets, and the Broader Economy

Stephen K. Mayo

March 1998, English

The interactions between land and property markets and the broader economy of cities and nations are central to the Lincoln Institute’s concerns. Two key objectives of our work in this area are (1) to raise awareness about the stakes of good land policy for creating well-functioning land and property markets and for improving the performance […]

Economic Development, Land Markets, Public Finance, Valuation

March 1998, English

The interactions between land and property markets and the broader economy of cities and nations are central to the Lincoln Institute’s concerns. Two key objectives of our work in this area are (1) to raise awareness about the stakes of good land policy for creating well-functioning land and property markets and for improving the performance […]

Economic Development, Land Markets, Public Finance, Valuation

New Colombian Law Implements Value Capture

Fernando Rojas and Martim Smolka

March 1998, English

Rapid urban growth, concentrated land ownership, and land use regulations often contribute to a scarcity of land serviced by public infrastructure, which facilitates huge increases in land prices and incredible speculative gains. When the legal and administrative framework cannot be changed easily to let markets operate gradual price adjustments that can be taxed via existing […]

Land Markets, Land Use and Zoning, Value Capture

March 1998, English

Rapid urban growth, concentrated land ownership, and land use regulations often contribute to a scarcity of land serviced by public infrastructure, which facilitates huge increases in land prices and incredible speculative gains. When the legal and administrative framework cannot be changed easily to let markets operate gradual price adjustments that can be taxed via existing […]

Land Markets, Land Use and Zoning, Value Capture

Nueva ley colombiana implementa la captura de la plusvalía

Fernando Rojas and Martim O. Smolka

March 1998, Spanish

Una versión más actualizada de este artículo está disponible como parte del capítulo 4 del libro Perspectivas urbanas: Temas críticos en políticas de suelo de América Latina. Bajo condiciones de rápido crecimiento urbano, la concentración de la propiedad de la tierra y las leyes que regulan su uso contribuyen con frecuencia a la escasez de […]

Land Markets, Land Use and Zoning, Value Capture

March 1998, Spanish

Una versión más actualizada de este artículo está disponible como parte del capítulo 4 del libro Perspectivas urbanas: Temas críticos en políticas de suelo de América Latina. Bajo condiciones de rápido crecimiento urbano, la concentración de la propiedad de la tierra y las leyes que regulan su uso contribuyen con frecuencia a la escasez de […]

Land Markets, Land Use and Zoning, Value Capture

Open Space Conservation

Investing In Your Community's Economic Health

John Tibbetts

February 1998, English

Policy Focus Reports

City and Regional Planning, Environment, Land Conservation, Land Use and Zoning, Public Finance

February 1998, English

Policy Focus Reports

City and Regional Planning, Environment, Land Conservation, Land Use and Zoning, Public Finance

Land Lines, January 1998

Edited by Ann LeRoyer

January 1998, English

City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Land Markets, Land Use and Zoning, Land Value Taxation, Urbanization

January 1998, English

City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Land Markets, Land Use and Zoning, Land Value Taxation, Urbanization

Controlling Sprawl in Boulder

Benefits and Pitfalls

Peter Pollock

January 1998, English

Boulder, Colorado, has developed a national reputation for having dealt creatively with growth management issues. The city has developed a 27,000-acre greenbelt, a system for controlling the rate of population growth by limiting building permits, and a defined urban growth boundary managed in cooperation with Boulder County. Boulder’s approach to urban growth boundaries, called the […]

City and Regional Planning, Land Conservation, Land Use and Zoning, Urbanization

January 1998, English

Boulder, Colorado, has developed a national reputation for having dealt creatively with growth management issues. The city has developed a 27,000-acre greenbelt, a system for controlling the rate of population growth by limiting building permits, and a defined urban growth boundary managed in cooperation with Boulder County. Boulder’s approach to urban growth boundaries, called the […]

City and Regional Planning, Land Conservation, Land Use and Zoning, Urbanization

Price Volatility and Property Tax Limitations

Joan Youngman

January 1998, English

The potential for sharp and unpredictable assessment increases is an important source of dissatisfaction with the property tax. Rapid price rises that are accurately and promptly reflected in assessed valuations can leave homeowners responsible for cash payments on paper gains that are unexpected, uncontrollable, and possibly short-lived. Two decades ago, this situation paved the way […]

Housing, Land Markets, Property Tax, Valuation

January 1998, English

The potential for sharp and unpredictable assessment increases is an important source of dissatisfaction with the property tax. Rapid price rises that are accurately and promptly reflected in assessed valuations can leave homeowners responsible for cash payments on paper gains that are unexpected, uncontrollable, and possibly short-lived. Two decades ago, this situation paved the way […]

Housing, Land Markets, Property Tax, Valuation

Uso del impuesto a la propiedad para recuperar plusvalías

Estudio de un caso práctico en Brasil

Claudia M. De Cesare

January 1998, Spanish

Una versión más actualizada de este artículo está disponible como parte del capítulo 3 del libro Perspectivas urbanas: Temas críticos en políticas de suelo de América Latina. La inversión de fondos públicos en áreas urbanas suele traer como resultado un aumento en el valor de la tierra que solamente beneficia a un grupo pequeño de […]

Economic Development, Property Tax, Urbanization, Value Capture

January 1998, Spanish

Una versión más actualizada de este artículo está disponible como parte del capítulo 3 del libro Perspectivas urbanas: Temas críticos en políticas de suelo de América Latina. La inversión de fondos públicos en áreas urbanas suele traer como resultado un aumento en el valor de la tierra que solamente beneficia a un grupo pequeño de […]

Economic Development, Property Tax, Urbanization, Value Capture