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Land Value Taxation Views, Concepts and Methods

A Primer

Jeff Wuensch, Frank Kelly, and Thomas Hamilton

January 2000, English

Working Papers

Land Value Taxation

January 2000, English

Working Papers

Land Value Taxation

Urban Sprawl in a U.S. Metropolitan Area

Ways to Measure and a Comparison of the Sacramento Area to Similar Metropolitan Areas in California and the U.S.

Robert W. Wassmer

January 2000, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government

January 2000, English

Working Papers

City and Regional Planning, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government

Implementing a Land Value Tax in Urban Residential Communities

Robert J. Gloudemans

January 2000, English

Working Papers

Land Value Taxation

January 2000, English

Working Papers

Land Value Taxation

Land Lines, November 1999

Edited by Ann LeRoyer

November 1999, English

Housing, Land and Property Rights, Land Use and Zoning, Poverty and Inequality, Property Tax, Technology and Tools, Urbanization

November 1999, English

Housing, Land and Property Rights, Land Use and Zoning, Poverty and Inequality, Property Tax, Technology and Tools, Urbanization

Implementing Property Taxation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

C. Kurt Zorn, Jean Tesche, and Gary Cornia

November 1999, English

The state of Bosnia and Herzegovina continues its long process of reconstruction and reconciliation, four years after the November 1995 signing of the Dayton Peace Accords, which marked the end of a three-and-one-half-year war. Under the terms of the Accords, the state was set up within the original borders of what had been the Yugoslav […]

Economic Development, Local Government, Property Tax, Technology and Tools

November 1999, English

The state of Bosnia and Herzegovina continues its long process of reconstruction and reconciliation, four years after the November 1995 signing of the Dayton Peace Accords, which marked the end of a three-and-one-half-year war. Under the terms of the Accords, the state was set up within the original borders of what had been the Yugoslav […]

Economic Development, Local Government, Property Tax, Technology and Tools

Redefinición de los derechos de propiedad en la era de la liberalización y la privatización

Edésio Fernandes

November 1999, Spanish

Una versión más actualizada de este artículo está disponible como parte del capítulo 2 del libro Perspectivas urbanas: Temas críticos en políticas de suelo de América Latina. En países subdesarrollados, la mayoría de los programas y propuestas de gestión urbana han requerido adoptar un criterio de orientación social a los derechos de propiedad, lo que […]

Environment, Land and Property Rights, Land Use and Zoning, Urbanization

November 1999, Spanish

Una versión más actualizada de este artículo está disponible como parte del capítulo 2 del libro Perspectivas urbanas: Temas críticos en políticas de suelo de América Latina. En países subdesarrollados, la mayoría de los programas y propuestas de gestión urbana han requerido adoptar un criterio de orientación social a los derechos de propiedad, lo que […]

Environment, Land and Property Rights, Land Use and Zoning, Urbanization

Redefining Property Rights in the Age of Liberalization and Privatization

Edesio Fernandes

November 1999, English

An apparent paradox exists in developing countries between a more progressive definition of property rights and current trends toward privatization. On one hand, most proposals and programs of urban management have required the adoption of a socially oriented approach to property rights, which guarantees broader scope for state intervention in controlling the process of land […]

Environment, Land and Property Rights, Land Use and Zoning, Urbanization

November 1999, English

An apparent paradox exists in developing countries between a more progressive definition of property rights and current trends toward privatization. On one hand, most proposals and programs of urban management have required the adoption of a socially oriented approach to property rights, which guarantees broader scope for state intervention in controlling the process of land […]

Environment, Land and Property Rights, Land Use and Zoning, Urbanization

Desalojos forzosos y derechos humanos en Colombia

Margaret Everett

November 1999, Spanish

Una versión más actualizada de este artículo está disponible como parte del capítulo 2 del libro Perspectivas urbanas: Temas críticos en políticas de suelo de América Latina. Muchos gobiernos latinoamericanos han mejorado el proceso de legalización de los asentamientos periféricos, y han reconocido el derecho a la vivienda y la postura de las Naciones Unidas […]

Housing, Informal Settlements, Poverty and Inequality, Urbanization

November 1999, Spanish

Una versión más actualizada de este artículo está disponible como parte del capítulo 2 del libro Perspectivas urbanas: Temas críticos en políticas de suelo de América Latina. Muchos gobiernos latinoamericanos han mejorado el proceso de legalización de los asentamientos periféricos, y han reconocido el derecho a la vivienda y la postura de las Naciones Unidas […]

Housing, Informal Settlements, Poverty and Inequality, Urbanization