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Property Tax Classification in Cook County, Illinois

Scott Koeneman

January 2000, English

Conventional wisdom and basic economic principles would suggest that an area subject to higher commercial and industrial property taxes than its nearby neighbors will suffer reduced economic development in comparison to those neighbors. On the other hand, any effort to reduce such unequal or “classified” property tax rates will produce a revenue shortfall. Raising taxes […]

Economic Development, Local Government, Property Tax, Valuation

January 2000, English

Conventional wisdom and basic economic principles would suggest that an area subject to higher commercial and industrial property taxes than its nearby neighbors will suffer reduced economic development in comparison to those neighbors. On the other hand, any effort to reduce such unequal or “classified” property tax rates will produce a revenue shortfall. Raising taxes […]

Economic Development, Local Government, Property Tax, Valuation

Riesgo, vulnerabilidad y prevención de desastres en las grandes ciudades

Manuel Perló Cohen

January 2000, Spanish

Working Papers

January 2000, Spanish

Working Papers

Urban Land Tenure Policies in Brazil, South Africa, and India

An Assessment of the Issues

Donald A. Krueckeberg and Kurt G. Paulsen

January 2000, English

Working Papers

January 2000, English

Working Papers

El suelo urbano como factor de inclusión económica y social

La experiencia de La Habana

Ricardo Núñez Fernández

January 2000, Spanish

Working Papers

January 2000, Spanish

Working Papers

La ciudad de La Habana

Prácticas y perspectivas de captura de plusvalía urbana

Ricardo Núñez Fernández

January 2000, Spanish

Working Papers

January 2000, Spanish

Working Papers

The City of Havana

The Practice of and Perspectives on Urban Value Capture

Ricardo Núñez Fernández

January 2000, English

Working Papers

January 2000, English

Working Papers

Regeneration in Old Havana and the Role of Value Capture

Ricardo Núñez Fernández and Carlos García Pleyán

January 2000, English

Working Papers

January 2000, English

Working Papers

La regeneración en la Habana Vieja

¿Un modelo de gestión que moviliza las plusvalías urbanas?

Ricardo Núñez Fernández and Carlos García Pleyán

January 2000, Spanish

Working Papers

January 2000, Spanish

Working Papers