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Land Lines, July 2022

July 2022, English

Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation

July 2022, English

Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation

Mayor’s Desk: Burlington, Vermont, Aims for Net Zero

By Anthony Flint

July 2022, English

Leaders in the city of Burlington, Vermont, are promising to eliminate net fossil fuel use by 2030. Mayor Miro Weinberger discusses the city’s ambitious plans, the critical role of utilities, and the ways local leaders can take meaningful climate action.

Climate Change, Environment, Infrastructure, Local Government

July 2022, English

Leaders in the city of Burlington, Vermont, are promising to eliminate net fossil fuel use by 2030. Mayor Miro Weinberger discusses the city’s ambitious plans, the critical role of utilities, and the ways local leaders can take meaningful climate action.

Climate Change, Environment, Infrastructure, Local Government

The Private Equity Land Grab Expanding to Smaller Legacy Cities

By Catherine Tumber

July 2022, English

Small and midsize legacy cities are poised to become destinations for the displaced as climate change plays out in the United States. But these cities are facing a serious threat: large-scale speculative real estate investment that could put housing out o

Climate Change, Housing, Land Markets

July 2022, English

Small and midsize legacy cities are poised to become destinations for the displaced as climate change plays out in the United States. But these cities are facing a serious threat: large-scale speculative real estate investment that could put housing out o

Climate Change, Housing, Land Markets

El escritorio del alcalde

Burlington, Vermont, busca cero emisiones netas

Por Anthony Flint

July 2022, Spanish

  Esta entrevista, que se ha editado por motivos de espacio, también está disponible como pódcast de Land Matters. O riginario de Vermont y elegido por primera vez en 2012, Miro Weinberger ejerce su cuarto período como alcalde de Burlington, Vermont. Asistió a Yale y a la Escuela de Gobierno Kennedy de Harvard, y trabajó […]

Climate Change, Environment, Infrastructure, Local Government

July 2022, Spanish

  Esta entrevista, que se ha editado por motivos de espacio, también está disponible como pódcast de Land Matters. O riginario de Vermont y elegido por primera vez en 2012, Miro Weinberger ejerce su cuarto período como alcalde de Burlington, Vermont. Asistió a Yale y a la Escuela de Gobierno Kennedy de Harvard, y trabajó […]

Climate Change, Environment, Infrastructure, Local Government

Return on Investment: Research Links Climate Action with Land and Property Value Increases

By Anthony Flint

July 2022, English

The world’s cities need trillions of dollars to mitigate and adapt to climate change, yet only half of that need is being met through existing climate finance flows. Land-based financing instruments are an underutilized tool that can help close that gap.

Climate Change, Infrastructure, Public Finance, Value Capture

July 2022, English

The world’s cities need trillions of dollars to mitigate and adapt to climate change, yet only half of that need is being met through existing climate finance flows. Land-based financing instruments are an underutilized tool that can help close that gap.

Climate Change, Infrastructure, Public Finance, Value Capture

Retorno de la inversión

Según investigaciones, la acción del cambio climático está relacionada con aumentos del valor del suelo y la propiedad

Por Anthony Flint

July 2022, Spanish

  E n la ciudad china de Zhengzhou, un centro de fabricación ubicado casi a mitad de camino entre Pekín y Shanghái, un smog continuo que irrita los ojos colocaba a la ciudad en las listas de las ciudades más contaminadas del mundo. Hace casi10 años, los dirigentes locales se unieron en un plan de […]

Climate Change, Infrastructure, Public Finance, Value Capture

July 2022, Spanish

  E n la ciudad china de Zhengzhou, un centro de fabricación ubicado casi a mitad de camino entre Pekín y Shanghái, un smog continuo que irrita los ojos colocaba a la ciudad en las listas de las ciudades más contaminadas del mundo. Hace casi10 años, los dirigentes locales se unieron en un plan de […]

Climate Change, Infrastructure, Public Finance, Value Capture

2019 Survey on the Use of Automated Valuation Models (AVMs) in Government Assessment Offices

An Analysis of AVM Use, Acceptance, and Barriers to More Widespread Implementation

Paul Bidanset and Ronald Rakow

July 2022, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax, Valuation

July 2022, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Property Tax, Valuation

Uprooted: As the Climate Crisis Forces U.S. Residents to Relocate, a New Conversation Emerges

By Alexandra Tempus

July 2022, English

Over the next few decades, climate change is expected to displace hundreds of millions of people around the globe. With this seismic shift already underway in places including the United States, the growing practice of community-led relocation seeks to ce

Climate Change, Housing, Local Government, Poverty and Inequality

July 2022, English

Over the next few decades, climate change is expected to displace hundreds of millions of people around the globe. With this seismic shift already underway in places including the United States, the growing practice of community-led relocation seeks to ce

Climate Change, Housing, Local Government, Poverty and Inequality