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Getting Right-of-Way Right

Landowner Compensation for Electric Power Transmission Rights-of-Way

Alison Berry

December 2013, English

Working Papers

December 2013, English

Working Papers

Planning and the Climate Change in the Caribbean

Michel Frojmovic, Jennifer Graeff, and Asad Mohammed

December 2013, English

Working Papers

December 2013, English

Working Papers

Estimation of Airport Infrastructure Capitalization for Land Value Capture Purposes

An Analysis of Denver and Atlanta

Jeffrey P. Cohen, Cletus C. Coughlin, David A. Lopez, and John M. Clapp

December 2013, English

Working Papers

December 2013, English

Working Papers

Land Lines, October 2013

Edited by Maureen Clarke

October 2013, English

Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation, Land Use and Zoning

October 2013, English

Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation, Land Use and Zoning

Informe del presidente

Cómo detectar y prevenir las burbujas de precios inmobiliarios

Gregory K. Ingram

October 2013, Spanish

Los Estados Unidos están emergiendo de una gran recesión, cuya característica principal ha sido el colapso de los precios inmobiliarios nacionales, los cuales aumentaron en un 59 por ciento de 2000 a 2006 y luego descendieron un 41 por ciento para el año 2011 (siempre en dólares constantes). A nivel nacional, los verdaderos precios inmobiliarios […]

Economic Development, Housing, Land Markets, Public Finance

October 2013, Spanish

Los Estados Unidos están emergiendo de una gran recesión, cuya característica principal ha sido el colapso de los precios inmobiliarios nacionales, los cuales aumentaron en un 59 por ciento de 2000 a 2006 y luego descendieron un 41 por ciento para el año 2011 (siempre en dólares constantes). A nivel nacional, los verdaderos precios inmobiliarios […]

Economic Development, Housing, Land Markets, Public Finance

Report from the President

Detecting and Preventing House Price Bubbles

Gregory K. Ingram

October 2013, English

The United States is emerging from a great recession whose major hallmark has been the collapse of national housing prices, which grew by 59 percent from 2000 to 2006 and then fell 41 percent by 2011, all in constant dollars. Nationally, real house prices in 2011 were 6 percent below levels in 2000. The housing […]

Economic Development, Housing, Land Markets, Public Finance

October 2013, English

The United States is emerging from a great recession whose major hallmark has been the collapse of national housing prices, which grew by 59 percent from 2000 to 2006 and then fell 41 percent by 2011, all in constant dollars. Nationally, real house prices in 2011 were 6 percent below levels in 2000. The housing […]

Economic Development, Housing, Land Markets, Public Finance

Gestión de zonas costeras

El modelo de Barbados

Gregory R. Scruggs and Thomas E. Bassett

October 2013, Spanish

Por cada nota periodística sobre turismo que muestra el paraíso caribeño de Barbados, con sus aguas tranquilas besando las playas de fina arena, hay también una noticia inquietante sobre un huracán en ciernes. Las Antillas Menores, un archipiélago de islas pequeñas que forman una media luna en el este del Mar Caribe, han sido siempre […]

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Land Use and Zoning

October 2013, Spanish

Por cada nota periodística sobre turismo que muestra el paraíso caribeño de Barbados, con sus aguas tranquilas besando las playas de fina arena, hay también una noticia inquietante sobre un huracán en ciernes. Las Antillas Menores, un archipiélago de islas pequeñas que forman una media luna en el este del Mar Caribe, han sido siempre […]

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Land Use and Zoning

Coastal Zone Management

The Barbados Model

Gregory R. Scruggs and Thomas E. Bassett

October 2013, English

For every travel article featuring a Caribbean paradise with gentle waters lapping a sandy beach, there is an anxious news story about a brewing hurricane. The Lesser Antilles, an archipelago of small islands that form a crescent in the eastern Caribbean, have always been particularly vulnerable, thrust into the volatile waters of the Atlantic Ocean. […]

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Land Use and Zoning

October 2013, English

For every travel article featuring a Caribbean paradise with gentle waters lapping a sandy beach, there is an anxious news story about a brewing hurricane. The Lesser Antilles, an archipelago of small islands that form a crescent in the eastern Caribbean, have always been particularly vulnerable, thrust into the volatile waters of the Atlantic Ocean. […]

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Land Use and Zoning