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Informe del presidente

Resolución de conflictos sobre el uso del suelo

Gregory K. Ingram

January 2014, Spanish

En vista de que, en los Estados Unidos, existen más de 25.000 gobiernos municipales involucrados en el análisis y aprobación de cambios propuestos en referencia a la zonificación, planificación y desarrollo de propiedades, la cantidad de decisiones sobre el uso del suelo que se toma a nivel municipal por año probablemente ronda los millones. Si […]

Land and Property Rights, Land Conflict Resolution, Land Use and Zoning

January 2014, Spanish

En vista de que, en los Estados Unidos, existen más de 25.000 gobiernos municipales involucrados en el análisis y aprobación de cambios propuestos en referencia a la zonificación, planificación y desarrollo de propiedades, la cantidad de decisiones sobre el uso del suelo que se toma a nivel municipal por año probablemente ronda los millones. Si […]

Land and Property Rights, Land Conflict Resolution, Land Use and Zoning

Report from the President

Resolving Land Use Disputes

Gregory K. Ingram

January 2014, English

With more than 25,000 local governments in the United States involved in the review and approval of proposed changes in zoning, planning, and property development, the number of local land use decisions made annually likely runs into the millions. While the vast majority of such determinations proceed in a routine fashion, more complex and contentious […]

Land and Property Rights, Land Conflict Resolution, Land Use and Zoning

January 2014, English

With more than 25,000 local governments in the United States involved in the review and approval of proposed changes in zoning, planning, and property development, the number of local land use decisions made annually likely runs into the millions. While the vast majority of such determinations proceed in a routine fashion, more complex and contentious […]

Land and Property Rights, Land Conflict Resolution, Land Use and Zoning

Lucha contra las subdivisiones zombies

Cómo lograron tres comunidades corregir el exceso de derechos de desarrollo

Jim Holway, with Don Elliott and Anna Trentadue

January 2014, Spanish

El exceso de derechos de desarrollo y las subdivisiones sujetas a ejecución hipotecaria actualmente reducen la calidad de vida, sesgan los patrones de desarrollo y los mercados inmobiliarios, dañan los ecosistemas y reducen la salud fiscal en muchas comunidades de la región intermontañosa del oeste de los Estados Unidos. Con posterioridad a la caída inmobiliaria […]

Land and Property Rights, Land Markets, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government

January 2014, Spanish

El exceso de derechos de desarrollo y las subdivisiones sujetas a ejecución hipotecaria actualmente reducen la calidad de vida, sesgan los patrones de desarrollo y los mercados inmobiliarios, dañan los ecosistemas y reducen la salud fiscal en muchas comunidades de la región intermontañosa del oeste de los Estados Unidos. Con posterioridad a la caída inmobiliaria […]

Land and Property Rights, Land Markets, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government

Combating Zombie Subdivisions

How Three Communities Redressed Excess Development Entitlements

Jim Holway, with Don Elliott and Anna Trentadue

January 2014, English

Excess development entitlements and distressed subdivisions are impairing the quality of life, skewing development patterns and real estate markets, damaging ecosystems, and diminishing fiscal health in communities throughout the U.S. Intermountain West. Since the post-2007 real estate bust, which hit many parts of the region severely, eroding subdivision roads now carve up agricultural lands, and […]

Land and Property Rights, Land Markets, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government

January 2014, English

Excess development entitlements and distressed subdivisions are impairing the quality of life, skewing development patterns and real estate markets, damaging ecosystems, and diminishing fiscal health in communities throughout the U.S. Intermountain West. Since the post-2007 real estate bust, which hit many parts of the region severely, eroding subdivision roads now carve up agricultural lands, and […]

Land and Property Rights, Land Markets, Land Use and Zoning, Local Government

Distribución de la riqueza residencial en Rio de Janeiro

David M. Vetter, Kaizô I. Beltrão, and Rosa M. R. Massena

January 2014, Spanish

La vivienda es un componente importante tanto del patrimonio neto de un hogar como de la riqueza nacional agregada o el inventario de capital residencial. La riqueza residencial agregada es la suma de los valores de todas las unidades de vivienda. En Brasil, las estructuras residenciales representan alrededor de un tercio de los activos netos […]

Economic Development, Housing, Land and Property Rights, Valuation

January 2014, Spanish

La vivienda es un componente importante tanto del patrimonio neto de un hogar como de la riqueza nacional agregada o el inventario de capital residencial. La riqueza residencial agregada es la suma de los valores de todas las unidades de vivienda. En Brasil, las estructuras residenciales representan alrededor de un tercio de los activos netos […]

Economic Development, Housing, Land and Property Rights, Valuation

Residential Wealth Distribution in Rio de Janeiro

David M. Vetter, Kaizô I. Beltrão, and Rosa M. R. Massena

January 2014, English

Housing is an important component of both a household’s net worth and aggregate national wealth or stock of residential capital. Aggregate residential wealth is the sum of the values of all housing units. In Brazil, residential structures represent about one-third of total net fixed capital, so their value is important for economic and social policy. […]

Economic Development, Housing, Land and Property Rights, Valuation

January 2014, English

Housing is an important component of both a household’s net worth and aggregate national wealth or stock of residential capital. Aggregate residential wealth is the sum of the values of all housing units. In Brazil, residential structures represent about one-third of total net fixed capital, so their value is important for economic and social policy. […]

Economic Development, Housing, Land and Property Rights, Valuation

¿Cómo afectan las ejecuciones hipotecarias a los valores de la propiedad y los impuestos sobre la propiedad?

James Alm, Robert D. Buschman, and David L. Sjoquist

January 2014, Spanish

Como consecuencia del colapso en el mercado inmobiliario y la Gran Recesión –que provocaron un aumento sustancial de ejecuciones hipotecarias residenciales y a menudo abruptas caídas de los precios de las viviendas, lo cual probablemente dio lugar a ejecuciones hipotecarias adicionales– muchos observadores especularon sobre si los gobiernos locales iban a sufrir consecuentemente pérdidas significativas […]

Economic Development, Housing, Land Value Taxation, Property Tax

January 2014, Spanish

Como consecuencia del colapso en el mercado inmobiliario y la Gran Recesión –que provocaron un aumento sustancial de ejecuciones hipotecarias residenciales y a menudo abruptas caídas de los precios de las viviendas, lo cual probablemente dio lugar a ejecuciones hipotecarias adicionales– muchos observadores especularon sobre si los gobiernos locales iban a sufrir consecuentemente pérdidas significativas […]

Economic Development, Housing, Land Value Taxation, Property Tax

How Do Foreclosures Affect Property Values and Property Taxes?

James Alm, Robert D. Buschman, and David L. Sjoquist

January 2014, English

In the wake of the housing market collapse and the Great Recession—which caused a substantial increase in residential foreclosures and often precipitous declines in home prices that likely led to additional foreclosures—many observers speculated that local governments would consequently suffer significant property tax revenue losses. While anecdotal evidence suggests that foreclosures, especially when spatially concentrated, […]

Economic Development, Housing, Land Value Taxation, Property Tax

January 2014, English

In the wake of the housing market collapse and the Great Recession—which caused a substantial increase in residential foreclosures and often precipitous declines in home prices that likely led to additional foreclosures—many observers speculated that local governments would consequently suffer significant property tax revenue losses. While anecdotal evidence suggests that foreclosures, especially when spatially concentrated, […]

Economic Development, Housing, Land Value Taxation, Property Tax