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Winning Strategies for Climate Resilience

Helen Lochhead Considers Rebuild by Design

July 2014, English

In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, with more frequent extreme weather events and rising sea levels, the vulnerability of coastal cities and towns has become a matter of urgency. But out of disasters can come opportunities for innovation. Post-Sandy, a range of new initiatives, tools, policies, governance frameworks, and incentives are being tested, including competitions […]

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Infrastructure

July 2014, English

In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, with more frequent extreme weather events and rising sea levels, the vulnerability of coastal cities and towns has become a matter of urgency. But out of disasters can come opportunities for innovation. Post-Sandy, a range of new initiatives, tools, policies, governance frameworks, and incentives are being tested, including competitions […]

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Environment, Infrastructure

La gente tiene la prioridad

10 pasos en dirección a los suburbios caminables

Lynn Richards

July 2014, Spanish

Muchas áreas suburbanas de los Estados Unidos están mostrando signos de deterioro, con propiedades abandonadas, centros comerciales vacantes y espacios subutilizados. Estos paisajes han venido a caracterizar la expansión descontrolada: lugares construidos para el automóvil y a los que sólo se puede acceder por automóvil. Pero estos suburbios también tienen enormes oportunidades de reinvención creativa. […]

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Infrastructure, Land Use and Zoning

July 2014, Spanish

Muchas áreas suburbanas de los Estados Unidos están mostrando signos de deterioro, con propiedades abandonadas, centros comerciales vacantes y espacios subutilizados. Estos paisajes han venido a caracterizar la expansión descontrolada: lugares construidos para el automóvil y a los que sólo se puede acceder por automóvil. Pero estos suburbios también tienen enormes oportunidades de reinvención creativa. […]

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Infrastructure, Land Use and Zoning

Putting People First

10 Steps Toward Pedestrian-Friendly Suburbs

Lynn Richards

July 2014, English

Many suburban areas in the United States are showing signs of deterioration, with foreclosed properties, vacant retail centers, and underutilized space. These landscapes have come to epitomize sprawl— places built for the car and accessed only by the car. But they also hold enormous opportunities for creative reinvention. A number of communities across the country […]

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Infrastructure, Land Use and Zoning

July 2014, English

Many suburban areas in the United States are showing signs of deterioration, with foreclosed properties, vacant retail centers, and underutilized space. These landscapes have come to epitomize sprawl— places built for the car and accessed only by the car. But they also hold enormous opportunities for creative reinvention. A number of communities across the country […]

City and Regional Planning, Housing, Infrastructure, Land Use and Zoning

Foro periodístico sobre el suelo y el entorno edificado

Anthony Flint

July 2014, Spanish

Stephanie Pollack, subdirectora del Centro Dukakis de Política Urbana y Regional de la Universidad Northeastern, detectó una curiosa anomalía cuando analizó los resultados de una encuesta sobre las necesidades de transporte público de los residentes de bajos ingresos en Massachusetts. La encuesta pedía que se indicara el principal modo de transporte, y daba las opciones […]

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Infrastructure, Urbanization

July 2014, Spanish

Stephanie Pollack, subdirectora del Centro Dukakis de Política Urbana y Regional de la Universidad Northeastern, detectó una curiosa anomalía cuando analizó los resultados de una encuesta sobre las necesidades de transporte público de los residentes de bajos ingresos en Massachusetts. La encuesta pedía que se indicara el principal modo de transporte, y daba las opciones […]

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Infrastructure, Urbanization

Journalists Forum on Land and the Built Environment

Urban Infrastructure

Anthony Flint

July 2014, English

Stephanie Pollack, associate director of the Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy at Northeastern University, noticed something seriously amiss when she analyzed the results of a survey on the public transportation needs of lower-income residents in Massachusetts. The survey asked respondents to indicate their main mode of transport, and there were the traditional choices […]

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Infrastructure, Urbanization

July 2014, English

Stephanie Pollack, associate director of the Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy at Northeastern University, noticed something seriously amiss when she analyzed the results of a survey on the public transportation needs of lower-income residents in Massachusetts. The survey asked respondents to indicate their main mode of transport, and there were the traditional choices […]

City and Regional Planning, Climate Change, Infrastructure, Urbanization

Perfil académico

Adam H. Langley

July 2014, Spanish

Adam H. Langley es analista senior de investigación en el Departamento de Valuación e Impuestos del Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. Previamente, Langley trabajó para la Asamblea del Estado de Nueva York. Obtuvo su licenciatura en Estudios políticos en el Bard College y una maestría en Economía en Boston University. Las investigaciones de Langley han […]

Economic Development, Property Tax, Public Finance

July 2014, Spanish

Adam H. Langley es analista senior de investigación en el Departamento de Valuación e Impuestos del Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. Previamente, Langley trabajó para la Asamblea del Estado de Nueva York. Obtuvo su licenciatura en Estudios políticos en el Bard College y una maestría en Economía en Boston University. Las investigaciones de Langley han […]

Economic Development, Property Tax, Public Finance

Faculty Profile

Adam H. Langley

July 2014, English

Adam H. Langley is a senior research analyst in the Department of Valuation and Taxation at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. Previously, Langley worked for the New York State Assembly. He earned his B.A. in political studies from Bard College and an M.A. in economics from Boston University. Langley’s research has covered a range […]

Economic Development, Property Tax, Public Finance

July 2014, English

Adam H. Langley is a senior research analyst in the Department of Valuation and Taxation at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. Previously, Langley worked for the New York State Assembly. He earned his B.A. in political studies from Bard College and an M.A. in economics from Boston University. Langley’s research has covered a range […]

Economic Development, Property Tax, Public Finance

Contribución de valorización o mejoras en Colombia

Análisis de la experiencia colombiana

Oscar Borrero Ochoa

July 2014, Spanish

Working Papers

Economic Development, Infrastructure, Public Finance, Valuation, Value Capture

July 2014, Spanish

Working Papers

Economic Development, Infrastructure, Public Finance, Valuation, Value Capture