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Hidden City

Beijing’s Subterranean Housing Market

Annette M. Kim

October 2014, English

Today an estimated one million people are living in subterranean apartments in Beijing, where affordable housing near employment is scarce for the greater city’s 23 million inhabitants (Xing 2011). These units are often windowless subdivisions in basements and air raid shelters, and the median size is 9.75 square meters. In August 2010, Beijing instituted a […]

Housing, Informal Settlements, Land Markets, Poverty and Inequality

October 2014, English

Today an estimated one million people are living in subterranean apartments in Beijing, where affordable housing near employment is scarce for the greater city’s 23 million inhabitants (Xing 2011). These units are often windowless subdivisions in basements and air raid shelters, and the median size is 9.75 square meters. In August 2010, Beijing instituted a […]

Housing, Informal Settlements, Land Markets, Poverty and Inequality

Mensaje del presidente

Redesarrollo de nuestras ciudades para el futuro

George W. McCarthy

October 2014, Spanish

En mis tiempos de becario en la Universidad de Cambridge, durante la década de 1990, mi colega y amigo Wynne Godley, que ya no está entre nosotros, pasaba a buscarme los domingos para llevarme a una de las iglesias medievales de las que pueden verse en todo lugar en los pueblos de East Anglia. Wynne […]

City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Urbanization

October 2014, Spanish

En mis tiempos de becario en la Universidad de Cambridge, durante la década de 1990, mi colega y amigo Wynne Godley, que ya no está entre nosotros, pasaba a buscarme los domingos para llevarme a una de las iglesias medievales de las que pueden verse en todo lugar en los pueblos de East Anglia. Wynne […]

City and Regional Planning, Infrastructure, Urbanization

Message from the President

Redeveloping Our Cities for the Future

George W. McCarthy

October 2014, English

When I was a scholar at Cambridge University in the 1990s, my now-departed colleague and friend Wynne Godley would drop by on Sundays to take me to visit one of the ubiquitous medieval churches in the villages of East Anglia. Wynne frequently noted that “a church is more a process than a building. It unfolds […]

City and Regional Planning, Informal Settlements, Infrastructure, Urbanization

October 2014, English

When I was a scholar at Cambridge University in the 1990s, my now-departed colleague and friend Wynne Godley would drop by on Sundays to take me to visit one of the ubiquitous medieval churches in the villages of East Anglia. Wynne frequently noted that “a church is more a process than a building. It unfolds […]

City and Regional Planning, Informal Settlements, Infrastructure, Urbanization

¿Podrá un cinturón verde reducir los eriales de Detroit?

Mark Skidmore

October 2014, Spanish

Es difícil figurarse la manera en que la pérdida constante de población ha devastado a Detroit. Entre 1900 y 1950, cuando el crecimiento de la manufactura automotriz en los EE.UU. la convirtió en uno de los principales centros industriales y culturales del país, la población de Detroit saltó de 300.000 a 1,85 millones de habitantes. […]

Housing, Land Markets, Land Use and Zoning, Property Tax

October 2014, Spanish

Es difícil figurarse la manera en que la pérdida constante de población ha devastado a Detroit. Entre 1900 y 1950, cuando el crecimiento de la manufactura automotriz en los EE.UU. la convirtió en uno de los principales centros industriales y culturales del país, la población de Detroit saltó de 300.000 a 1,85 millones de habitantes. […]

Housing, Land Markets, Land Use and Zoning, Property Tax

Will a Greenbelt Help to Shrink Detroit’s Wasteland?

Mark Skidmore

October 2014, English

It is difficult to overstate how ongoing population loss has devastated Detroit. Between 1900 and 1950, when the rise of U.S. automobile manufacturing made the city one of America’s premier industrial and cultural centers, the population spiked from 300,000 to 1.85 million. Beginning in 1950, however, it began to fall. And its decline has been […]

Housing, Land Markets, Land Use and Zoning, Property Tax

October 2014, English

It is difficult to overstate how ongoing population loss has devastated Detroit. Between 1900 and 1950, when the rise of U.S. automobile manufacturing made the city one of America’s premier industrial and cultural centers, the population spiked from 300,000 to 1.85 million. Beginning in 1950, however, it began to fall. And its decline has been […]

Housing, Land Markets, Land Use and Zoning, Property Tax

Perfil académico

David Vetter

October 2014, Spanish

David Vetter (Ph.D., Universidad de California) ha trabajado por más de cuatro décadas en temas de financiamiento y economía urbana en América Latina. He ejercido la docencia y dirigido investigaciones urbanas en Brasil durante 17 años en el Instituto Brasileño de Geografía y Estadísticas (IBGE), el Programa de Ingeniería para Graduados (COPPE), el Instituto de […]

Housing, Infrastructure, Public Finance, Valuation

October 2014, Spanish

David Vetter (Ph.D., Universidad de California) ha trabajado por más de cuatro décadas en temas de financiamiento y economía urbana en América Latina. He ejercido la docencia y dirigido investigaciones urbanas en Brasil durante 17 años en el Instituto Brasileño de Geografía y Estadísticas (IBGE), el Programa de Ingeniería para Graduados (COPPE), el Instituto de […]

Housing, Infrastructure, Public Finance, Valuation

Faculty Profile

David Vetter

October 2014, English

David Vetter (Ph.D., University of California) has worked for more than four decades on urban finance and economics issues in Latin America. He taught and conducted urban research in Brazil for 17 years at the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the Graduate Engineering Program (COPPE), the Institute of Urban and Regional Planning and […]

Housing, Infrastructure, Public Finance, Valuation

October 2014, English

David Vetter (Ph.D., University of California) has worked for more than four decades on urban finance and economics issues in Latin America. He taught and conducted urban research in Brazil for 17 years at the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the Graduate Engineering Program (COPPE), the Institute of Urban and Regional Planning and […]

Housing, Infrastructure, Public Finance, Valuation

La ciudad oculta

El mercado inmobiliario subterráneo de Beijing

Annette M. Kim

October 2014, Spanish

Hoy en día, cerca de un millón de personas vive en apartamentos subterráneos en Beijing, donde, para los 23 millones de habitantes de la gran ciudad, las viviendas sociales cercanas a los lugares de trabajo son muy escasas (Xing 2011). Estas unidades habitacionales por lo general son subdivisiones sin ventanas en sótanos y en refugios […]

Housing, Informal Settlements, Land Markets, Poverty and Inequality

October 2014, Spanish

Hoy en día, cerca de un millón de personas vive en apartamentos subterráneos en Beijing, donde, para los 23 millones de habitantes de la gran ciudad, las viviendas sociales cercanas a los lugares de trabajo son muy escasas (Xing 2011). Estas unidades habitacionales por lo general son subdivisiones sin ventanas en sótanos y en refugios […]

Housing, Informal Settlements, Land Markets, Poverty and Inequality