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Land Lines, Winter 2015

Edited by Maureen Clarke

February 2015, English

This issue features articles on anchor strategies, homeowner associations, and large landscape conservation.

City and Regional Planning, Environment, Infrastructure, Land Conservation

February 2015, English

This issue features articles on anchor strategies, homeowner associations, and large landscape conservation.

City and Regional Planning, Environment, Infrastructure, Land Conservation

Anchors Lift All Boats

Eds & Meds Engaging with Communities

Beth Dever, Omar Blaik, George Smith, and George W. McCarthy

February 2015, English

Large institutions—universities, hospitals, and nonprofit organizations—are referred to as anchors because of their permanence and their stabilizing physical and social ties to surrounding communities. Beyond fulfilling their respective missions to educate, heal, cultivate the arts, or provide other services, these “eds and meds” are proven economic engines. They employ large workforces, occupy and manage big […]

City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Housing, Infrastructure

February 2015, English

Large institutions—universities, hospitals, and nonprofit organizations—are referred to as anchors because of their permanence and their stabilizing physical and social ties to surrounding communities. Beyond fulfilling their respective missions to educate, heal, cultivate the arts, or provide other services, these “eds and meds” are proven economic engines. They employ large workforces, occupy and manage big […]

City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Housing, Infrastructure

Nuevas anclas para fondear

Educación y medicina con las comunidades

Beth Dever, Omar Blaik, George Smith, and George W. McCarthy

February 2015, Spanish

A las grandes instituciones, como universidades, hospitales y organizaciones sin fines de lucro, se les suele llamar “anclas”, debido a su permanencia y a los lazos estabilizadores que generan, tanto en lo físico como en lo social, con las comunidades circundantes. Más allá de cumplir con sus respectivas misiones de educar, sanar, cultivar las artes […]

City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Housing, Infrastructure

February 2015, Spanish

A las grandes instituciones, como universidades, hospitales y organizaciones sin fines de lucro, se les suele llamar “anclas”, debido a su permanencia y a los lazos estabilizadores que generan, tanto en lo físico como en lo social, con las comunidades circundantes. Más allá de cumplir con sus respectivas misiones de educar, sanar, cultivar las artes […]

City and Regional Planning, Economic Development, Housing, Infrastructure

Mensaje del presidente

Instituciones que protegen el interés común

George W. McCarthy

February 2015, Spanish

El desarrollo humano se ilustra, por lo general, como una guerra entre los objetivos contradictorios de la individualidad y la adecuación. Hacemos todo lo posible por distinguirnos del rebaño, pero nos aterramos ante la perspectiva del aislamiento social. Nuestras ciencias sociales, en especial la economía, presentan conflictos similares. El culto al individuo es un ícono […]

City and Regional Planning, Environment, Infrastructure, Land and Property Rights

February 2015, Spanish

El desarrollo humano se ilustra, por lo general, como una guerra entre los objetivos contradictorios de la individualidad y la adecuación. Hacemos todo lo posible por distinguirnos del rebaño, pero nos aterramos ante la perspectiva del aislamiento social. Nuestras ciencias sociales, en especial la economía, presentan conflictos similares. El culto al individuo es un ícono […]

City and Regional Planning, Environment, Infrastructure, Land and Property Rights

Message from the President

Institutions that Protect the Common Interest

George W. McCarthy

February 2015, English

Human development is often characterized as a war between the contradictory goals of individuation and conformity. We struggle to distinguish ourselves from the herd, but we panic at the prospect of social isolation. Our social sciences, especially economics, are similarly conflicted. The cult of the individual is a dominant social meme, and this dominance is […]

City and Regional Planning, Environment, Infrastructure, Land and Property Rights

February 2015, English

Human development is often characterized as a war between the contradictory goals of individuation and conformity. We struggle to distinguish ourselves from the herd, but we panic at the prospect of social isolation. Our social sciences, especially economics, are similarly conflicted. The cult of the individual is a dominant social meme, and this dominance is […]

City and Regional Planning, Environment, Infrastructure, Land and Property Rights

Regímenes privados en la esfera pública

Cómo optimizar los beneficios de las comunidades de interés común

Gerald Korngold

February 2015, Spanish

Una caricatura de Jack Ziegler en la revista New Yorker refleja la ironía esencial de participar en condominios, cooperativas y otros tipos de asociaciones de propietarios. Un automóvil está ingresando en un camino que conduce hasta un grupo de casas adosadas a lo lejos, con un cartel en la entrada que proclama “Bienvenido a Condoville […]

Housing, Land and Property Rights, Land Use and Zoning, Property Tax

February 2015, Spanish

Una caricatura de Jack Ziegler en la revista New Yorker refleja la ironía esencial de participar en condominios, cooperativas y otros tipos de asociaciones de propietarios. Un automóvil está ingresando en un camino que conduce hasta un grupo de casas adosadas a lo lejos, con un cartel en la entrada que proclama “Bienvenido a Condoville […]

Housing, Land and Property Rights, Land Use and Zoning, Property Tax

Private Regimes in the Public Sphere

Optimizing the Benefits of Common Interest Communities

Gerald Korngold

February 2015, English

A New Yorker cartoon by Jack Ziegler captures the essential irony of buying into condominiums, cooperatives, and other homeowner associations. A car is entering a driveway that leads to a group of townhouses in the distance, and a sign by the entrance proclaims, “Welcome to Condoville and the Illusion of Owning Your Own Property” (Ziegler […]

Housing, Land and Property Rights, Land Use and Zoning, Property Tax

February 2015, English

A New Yorker cartoon by Jack Ziegler captures the essential irony of buying into condominiums, cooperatives, and other homeowner associations. A car is entering a driveway that leads to a group of townhouses in the distance, and a sign by the entrance proclaims, “Welcome to Condoville and the Illusion of Owning Your Own Property” (Ziegler […]

Housing, Land and Property Rights, Land Use and Zoning, Property Tax

Un único patio trasero

Primer taller nacional sobre conservación de grandes paisajes

Tony Hiss

February 2015, Spanish

El Instituto Lincoln de Políticas de Suelo se ha asociado con un equipo de organizaciones sin fines de lucro y agencias federales para patrocinar el Taller Nacional de Conservación de Grandes Paisajes (NWLLC, por su sigla en inglés) el 23 y 24 de octubre de 2014 en el Edificio Ronald Reagan de Washington, DC. La […]

Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation, Land Use and Zoning

February 2015, Spanish

El Instituto Lincoln de Políticas de Suelo se ha asociado con un equipo de organizaciones sin fines de lucro y agencias federales para patrocinar el Taller Nacional de Conservación de Grandes Paisajes (NWLLC, por su sigla en inglés) el 23 y 24 de octubre de 2014 en el Edificio Ronald Reagan de Washington, DC. La […]

Climate Change, Environment, Land Conservation, Land Use and Zoning