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Transition to the Property Tax in China

A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis

David Dale-Johnson and Guozhong Zhu

May 2017, English

Working Papers

Property Tax, Public Finance

May 2017, English

Working Papers

Property Tax, Public Finance

Indicadores de Gestão Fiscal e de Qualidade do Gasto nos Municípios Brasileiros

Impactos da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal nas Prefeituras

José Roberto Rodrigues Afonso, Kleber Pacheco de Castro, Marcos Hecksher, Alexandre Sobreira Cialdini, and Fabrício Marques Santos

May 2017, Portuguese

Working Papers

Local Government, Public Finance

May 2017, Portuguese

Working Papers

Local Government, Public Finance

Prevención de asentamientos informales a través políticas de expansión urbana de lotificación con servicios para familias de bajos ingresos

El caso de León Sureste, Nicaragua

Marc Pérez Casas and Francesc Magrinyà Torner

May 2017, Spanish

Working Papers

Informal Settlements, Urbanization

May 2017, Spanish

Working Papers

Informal Settlements, Urbanization

Exploring the Linkage between Economic Base, Revenue Growth, and Revenue Stability in Large Municipal Governments

Michael Overton and Robert Bland

May 2017, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Public Finance

May 2017, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Public Finance

Measuring the Fiscal Health of Municipalities

Bruce McDonald III

May 2017, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Public Finance

May 2017, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Public Finance

The Impact of Industrial Diversification and Clustering on the Volatility of City Budgets

Michael Overton and Robert Bland

May 2017, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Public Finance

May 2017, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Public Finance

Financial Sustainability Index

A Self-Assessment Tool for Financial Sustainability

Shayne Kavanagh, Mark Pisano, Shui Yan Tang, Michael F. McGrath, Doug Linkhart, Monika Hudson, and Erik Colon

May 2017, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Public Finance

May 2017, English

Working Papers

Local Government, Public Finance

Minnesota’s Road to a Legacy Amendment

How We Created and Passed a Constitutional Amendment with Vision, Partnerships, Strategy, Promotion, and Perseverance

David Hartwell

May 2017, English

Working Papers


May 2017, English

Working Papers
