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Los manifestantes sostienen carteles que se oponen a un corredor hidroeléctrico planificado en Maine

Desafíos con las redes

Cómo las batallas de uso del suelo dificultan la transición hacia la energía limpian

Por Anthony Flint

July 2023, Spanish

  Un consenso emergente sobre cómo combatir el cambio climático es cada vez más evidente: electrificar todo, y producir dicha energía con fuentes renovables, como la energía eólica, solar e hidroeléctrica. La eliminación de los combustibles fósiles de la producción de electricidad puede realizarse sin exabruptos, ya que las instalaciones de energía limpia se han […]

Climate Change, Environment, Infrastructure, Land Use and Zoning

July 2023, Spanish

  Un consenso emergente sobre cómo combatir el cambio climático es cada vez más evidente: electrificar todo, y producir dicha energía con fuentes renovables, como la energía eólica, solar e hidroeléctrica. La eliminación de los combustibles fósiles de la producción de electricidad puede realizarse sin exabruptos, ya que las instalaciones de energía limpia se han […]

Climate Change, Environment, Infrastructure, Land Use and Zoning

Green Infrastructure, Home Values, Land Value Capture, and Equitable Property Assessment

Jeffrey P. Cohen, Michael Dietz, and Yuchen Huang

July 2023, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Infrastructure, Property Tax, Value Capture

July 2023, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Infrastructure, Property Tax, Value Capture

A color-coded property map

Who Owns America: The Geospatial Mapping Technology That Could Help Cities Beat Predatory Investors at Their Own Game

By Jon Gorey

July 2023, English

Corporate investors have the upper hand in the housing market, but the Center for Geospatial Solutions is providing communities with the data they need to push back.

Land Lines Magazine

Housing, Land Markets, Local Government, Poverty and Inequality, Technology and Tools

July 2023, English

Corporate investors have the upper hand in the housing market, but the Center for Geospatial Solutions is providing communities with the data they need to push back.

Land Lines Magazine

Housing, Land Markets, Local Government, Poverty and Inequality, Technology and Tools

Effects of Flood Hazard on Property Prices in Cape Town, South Africa

Claus Rabe and David Karpul

July 2023, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Infrastructure, Value Capture

July 2023, English

Working Papers

Climate Change, Infrastructure, Value Capture

How Small and Midsize Legacy Cities Can Pursue Equitable, Comprehensive “Greening”

By Allison Ehrich Bernstein

July 2023, English

Realizing a low-carbon future that is economically and racially just is an enormous undertaking at any level, but especially for small and midsize older industrial cities.

Climate Change, Economic Development, Local Government, Poverty and Inequality

July 2023, English

Realizing a low-carbon future that is economically and racially just is an enormous undertaking at any level, but especially for small and midsize older industrial cities.

Climate Change, Economic Development, Local Government, Poverty and Inequality

President Jimmy Carter signs the Community Reinvestment Act into law in 1977.

President’s Message: Equity, Affordability, and the New Lending Landscape

By George W. McCarthy

July 2023, English

It might not be instantly obvious how housing finance could be considered a land policy, and even less obvious why pundits like me describe national financial regulation like the Community Reinvestment Act as one of the most important land policies of the

Housing, Poverty and Inequality

July 2023, English

It might not be instantly obvious how housing finance could be considered a land policy, and even less obvious why pundits like me describe national financial regulation like the Community Reinvestment Act as one of the most important land policies of the

Housing, Poverty and Inequality

Rendering of apartment building in Kingston

Finding Common Ground: Land Trusts and CLTs Explore New Collaborations

By Audrea Lim

July 2023, English

Open space and affordable housing are often pitted against each other, but healthy communities need both.

Environment, Housing, Land Conservation, Land Use and Zoning, Poverty and Inequality

July 2023, English

Open space and affordable housing are often pitted against each other, but healthy communities need both.

Environment, Housing, Land Conservation, Land Use and Zoning, Poverty and Inequality

Representación de un edificio de apartamentos en Kingston

En busca de puntos en común

Grupos de conservación y defensores de la vivienda asequible exploran nuevas opciones de colaboración

Por Audrea Lim

July 2023, Spanish

  En sus tres décadas como director del Scenic Hudson Land Trust, Steve Rosenberg vio olas de personas mudándose de ciudades a Hudson Valley tras acontecimientos importantes: El 11 de septiembre, los huracanes Sandy e Irene, e incluso la boda de Chelsea Clinton en Rhinebeck. Así que, cuando llegó una nueva ola durante la COVID-19, […]

Environment, Housing, Land Conservation, Land Use and Zoning, Poverty and Inequality

July 2023, Spanish

  En sus tres décadas como director del Scenic Hudson Land Trust, Steve Rosenberg vio olas de personas mudándose de ciudades a Hudson Valley tras acontecimientos importantes: El 11 de septiembre, los huracanes Sandy e Irene, e incluso la boda de Chelsea Clinton en Rhinebeck. Así que, cuando llegó una nueva ola durante la COVID-19, […]

Environment, Housing, Land Conservation, Land Use and Zoning, Poverty and Inequality