
Marcela Cristini

Marcela Cristini is an invited researcher and member of the Council of CIPUV (Center for Housing and Urban Policy) and professor at Torcuato Di Tella University. Since 1980, she is also Senior Economist at FIEL (Latin-American Research Economic Foundation), a private think-tank based in Buenos Aires, where she has often acted as technical coordinator and co-director of research projects. Her main fields of expertise are Housing Finance, Urban Economics and International Economics. Since 1988, she has also developed consultancy activities for the Inter-American Development Bank, The World Bank, the UN Economic Commission for Latin-America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), United Nation Development Program (UNDP) and for UNIDO. Since the 2000’s she has developed a series of studies on Housing Financing for IADB, the World Bank and local organizations and governments. Currently she is a member of the Council of International Economic Relations (CARI).