
Made for Walking
Density and Neighborhood Form
December 2012, English
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
“An abundance of books champion the cause of compact form. But one is hard-pressed to ferret out a better effort at distilling its essentials than Made for Walking.”
— Martin Zimmerman, Writer, Urban Land Institute
Through hundreds of photographs and maps, landscape architect and urban designer Julie Campoli showcases 12 vibrant North American neighborhoods where residents can live comfortably without a car. By identifying the policies and amenities that foster such streetscapes, Campoli teaches urban developers, decision makers, and students how to create similar communities and lower vehicle miles traveled.
About the Author
Julie Campoli is an urban designer, editor, and author who writes about urban form and the changing landscape. She is also principal of Terra Firma Urban Design, based in Vemont.
Watch a video in which Campoli shows how Davis Square in Somerville, Massachusetts, has all the essential ingredients of a well-designed, walkable neighborhood.
“Campoli backs this evidence up with studies that show that a holistic approach creates the most sustainable neighbourhoods: areas that combine the highest number of walkability factors have the lowest levels of driving and resulting CO2 emissions. The book's extensive use of street photography helps to illustrate why people are so happy to walk in these streets, in ways that pure statistics and analysis can never do justice.”
— Appeared in
“One of the book’s strengths is that it combines quantitative analysis and aerial overviews with up-close observation. Campoli explored each of the 12 different neighborhoods featured in her book on foot and on bicycle, and her many photographs clearly illustrate what she is talking about.”
— Alex Ulam, Appeared in Landscape Architecture Magazine, March 2014
Community Development, Development, Housing, Land Use, Land Use Planning, Planning, Suburban, Sustainable Development, Transportation, Urban, Urban Design, Urban Development, Urban Sprawl, Urban Upgrading and Regularization, Urbanism