
44 resultados ordenados por


  1. Eminent Domain and Social Conflict in Five Latin American Metropolitan Areas

    Junio 2017
    Edited by Antonio Azuela

    As a policy instrument, expropriation is often considered a last resource to meet public and social needs. This book, translated from the original Spanish edition, explores how five metropolitan...

  2. Expropiación y conflicto social en cinco metrópolis de América Latina

    Enero 2015
    Coordinador por Antonio Azuela

    Como instrumento de políticas, muchas veces la expropriación se considera como un recurso de última instancia. Sin embargo, se utiliza en casi todo el mundo para atender...

  3. Arrested Developments

    Combating Zombie Subdivisions and Other Excess Entitlements
    Enfoques en políticas de suelo
    Enero 2014
    Jim Holway, Don Elliott, and Anna Trentadue

    Drawing on case studies, survey results, and data analyses of abandoned residential development projects in the U.S. Intermountain West, this report shows local leaders how to identify and overcome...

  4. Opening Access to Scenario Planning Tools

    Enfoques en políticas de suelo
    Abril 2012
    Jim Holway, C.J. Gabbe, Frank Hebbert, Jason Lally, Robert Matthews, and Ray Quay

    In the face of increasing complexity and uncertainty, planners, public officials, and community residents need new tools to anticipate and shape the future. Opening Access to Scenario Planning Tools...

  5. Regularización de asentamientos informales en América Latina

    Enfoques en políticas de suelo
    Octubre 2011

    In large Latin American cities the number of dwellings in informal settlements ranges from one-tenth to one-third of urban residences. These informal settlements are caused by low income, unrealistic...

  6. Regularização de Assentamentos Informais na América Latina

    Enfoques en políticas de suelo
    Octubre 2011

    In large Latin American cities the number of dwellings in informal settlements ranges from one-tenth to one-third of urban residences. These informal settlements are caused by low income, unrealistic...

  7. Regularization of Informal Settlements in Latin America

    Enfoques en políticas de suelo
    Mayo 2011

    This report provides municipal and community leaders with an overview of the challenge of informal settlements in Latin America, along with recommendations for improving regularization policies. It...

  8. Opportunities and Limits for the Evolution of Property Rights Institutions

    Noviembre 2011
    Thráinn Eggertsson

    In this paper, Thráinn Eggertsson examines how assumptions based on national politics and hard-to-obtain and limited data yield valuable tools for exploring the logic of institutional changes to...

  9. Gold Rush Legacy

    American Minerals and the Knowledge Economy
    Noviembre 2011
    Karen Clay and Gavin Wright

    In this paper, Karen Clay and Gavin Wright argue that the gold-mining camps of California had a more complex governance structure than economic historians have supposed. In some respects, the mining...

  10. Property Creation by Regulation

    Rights to Clean Air and Rights to Pollute
    Noviembre 2011
    Daniel H. Cole

    In this paper, Daniel H. Cole argues that, contrary to both the suppositions of some legal scholars and the theoretical underpinnings of regulatory takings doctrine, government regulations not only...


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